not to be completely discounted, if your account of working at a small business is from working in a major city, i think it is very different. first, many “small” biz’s in cities like NYC arent small at all. maybe a small LLC, but owners tenth venture. second, the competition
environment in cities makes small businesses way higher stakes. owner can lose (or gain) a ton more money. hence, much more intensified exploitation than a small biz in 90% of geographic America. class/edu background of city small biz owners drastically dif than suburb/rural
NYC is where you’ll find <10 employee restaurants or cafes grossing millions with 30% profit margin and the owner owns 10 of them. they look small, but they’re actually pseudo-franchises backed up by VC backed coffee beans or something.
and you’ll also find 2nd gen immigrant owned bodegas that dont have an accountant and didnt even know about the SBA loans. i have to see some data on how small biz’s are spread out geographically. concentrated in urban areas or no? def used to be. today? idk
but also in the city as a service worker you have more flexibility moving between jobs, although the good ones (even at small biz’s) are hard to get... in suburbs you might have found the only avail server/cook position in town. either way i dont see how this is an argument tbh
it’s a lot of people arguing from either side who have never worked for more than a year maybe if anything at any hourly wage job, much less a tip wage one (entire separate disc - corporate restaurants pool their tips 10/10 times - if they even allow tips)
also i know everyone is trying to argue from the perspective of workers - but look at fast food - dont you see? no, those workers arent getting treated better, dont know where you got that. and theyre being forced to contribute to the active conscious poisoning of their own ppl
or amazon (pissing in bottles, carriers dying in crashes), or wal mart (highest % of employees on welfare) - not only is this argument that corporations treat workers better totally false, also, from the other side, corporations are poisoning americans, poisoning the world
and what about the overseas workers? i dont typically make this argument but any corporate wage is totally subsidized by offshoring/exploitation of cheap foreign labor. dont even have to say what abt overseas workers. what about american production capacity?!
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