This is so misleading.
Marx himself and other Marxist intellectuals had been exiled or killed at some point.

Many African liberation leaders who were Marxist had been violently attacked by Western imperialists.
The first successful Marxist revolution, which took place in the Russian Empire, never had poor people being cannon fodder. They were dying already in a pointless war, and in awful living conditions generally.
Lenin and his Comrades didn't even have to take power violently. One of their slogans was peace.

They had formed workers' councils as alternatives to the parliament, and the workers' councils eventually overtook the parliament as the legitimate representative body of the people.
The violence really started to happen after right-wing reaction to the success of the workers. Factions of the country that were loyal to the monarchy had gone around causing violence, and that's when shit kicked off.
In every case where you had violent Marxist revolutions, it was only because violence had already broken out.

Like China was already in internal turmoil before; workers and peasants were facing violence before.
In Cuba, Fidel and others who became revolutionaries had tried peaceful means of representation but were repressed, and only turned to arms because the government started to gun down people in the streets for the most minor things.
And poor people weren't cannon fodder in the Cuban Revolution. The revolutionaries ensured they kept as many people out of the experience of war as they could, and kept themselves as the prime targets of the gov't. They had peaceful allies in the capital too.
In Grenada, the Communists attempted parliamentary representation but elections were rigged. They eventually toppled the government but without using violence for poor people to be cannon fodder.
When Evo Morales asked Fidel Castro where to get guns to make revolution, Fidel told him that revolutions are not made with guns but with people.
Communists have never believed in unnecessary violence. Marxist analysis always accounted for existing violence under colonialism and Capitalism, and prescribed lines of action that fit the national context of wherever they operated.
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