Must read. Seemed pretty interesting. wonder if there that heartless to do it to there own civillians? Or extremists. IE Veterans, Christians, Gun owners, And Muslims. If youre one of these 4 there's a good chance you are on a list sum where. no conspiracy theory or some tin foil
hat wielding nut job spewing some hatred and discontent homophobics; But real tangible black and white proof. Truth is and always will be stranger than fiction my friends. Every year that passes our technology grows. Well unbeknowncied to us the Gov grows 15 years every year to
our one year. 1-15 we cant even fathom whats out there. Just because you question something dosent make you wrong or crazy but when we continually to believe everything were told makes mankind vaulnurable and susceptible to lies and deception. Remember to think and look at
every aspect from every angle and do youre own study and research and come up with youre own answer and "proof" GOD bless.... "unknown"
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