If you are still confused about tone indicators and/or want to learn more about them, open this thread!
So, what are tone indicators (also known as tone tags)?
They're little things like '/j' or '/srs' that are used to indicate what the tone is in your message or any other text
Why are tone tags used?
Some people, especially neurodivergent ones, have difficulty picking up on tone, especially when they're communicating with others through text due to lack of body language, voice changes, facial expressions etc
Using tone tags will help them understand what exactly do you mean by your messages or posts! Please use them in texts that can be misunderstood if you can!

So, which tone indicators are there?
Let's take a look!
1. /j (/joking)
Use this tone indicator after jokes that can be taken seriously
Example: I'm a Twitter queen /j
2. /hj (/half joking)
This one is self explanatory, I guess - use it after saying something that is only partially a joke
Example: This character is my new mother figure /hj
3. /srs (/serious)
This one's used after things you're saying seriously that can look like a joke or sarcasm
Example: I thought it's only 10 am, omggg /srs
4. /s (/sarcasm)
This one should be used in sarcastic sentences so people don't take it seriously
Example: Wow, being anxious 24/7 is so cool /s
5+6. /p (/platonic) and /r (romantic)
These ones are used to show whether or not you're saying something in a romantic or friendly way
Example: I love you so much! /p or /r
7. /gen (/genuine)
This tone tag is used to indicate that you're saying/asking something for real/ with genuine emotions
Example: You're so cool and beautiful!! /gen
8. /rh (/rhetorical question)
Used to show that your question doesn't need an answer
Example: Well, who cares? /rh
9. /pos (/positive connotation)
Use this tone tag to show that you're happy about the thing you're talking about
Example: I'm literally crying right now /pos
10. /neg (/negative connotation)
This tone indicator should be used to show that you're upset/unhappy about something you're talking about
Example: My friend just told me that he loves me /neg
These are not all of the tone indicators, of course - these are just the most common ones! Visit this carrd for the bigger list - it's really great! https://tonetags.carrd.co/#:~:text=tone%20tags%20
Also, remember that it's totally okay to make up new tone indicators if you need them! For example, we use /jav a lot, which stands for 'just a vent' and means that we're just venting our emotions and there's no need to reply
And if you refuse to use tone indicators like '/j' because 'it will ruin a joke', your joke is not good enough and you're ableist
Thank you so much for reaching through this - we hope you found our thread informative! Remember to use tone indicators and have a good day!
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