Routinely I hear how kids don’t spread it, it’s fine, it’s fiiiiiiiine, but uhhh
A thread about it:
I remember the year our kid went to school for the first time and he was sick all year and we were sick all year because oh hey kids are little walking talking germ fountains.
(In fact, that year was the year that from Thanksgiving to Christmas I was sandbagged by a scary pneumonia — for two weeks I laid in bed and slept because I could do little else, and every morning I’d get up and just cough up blood. It wasn’t ideal! I don’t want pneumonia again!)
So it was always a weird assertion to me that somehow kids did not spread THIS virus despite having a pretty good track record as Ambulatory Contagion Sprinkler Systems.
To add more thought to this, I suspect this is how our county (and other places) get around indicting schools as a problem — kids catch it asymptomatically, spread it to home, they test parent or sibling, and then chalk THAT infection up to “community spread” and not in school.
That’s routinely the language you hear here: “Oh, they’re not catching it in schools. There’s no spread in schools. It’s happening outside of school.” As if that’s a thing you can easily prove without broad testing.
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