Bernie Sanders & his goofy cult of socialists will never break capitalism.

The corruption & unbridled greed of Republicans in DC ... will devastate capitalism.

Capitalism only works with smart, directed regulation

Without regulation ... the golden goose is gobbled & gone
Every shareholder, 401k owner & every customer depend on our capitalist economy.

That economy will not work if the largest financial institutions act w reckless disregard.

The GOP will eat every golden egg of capitalism & then gobble down our golden goose that lays them
Pete Buttigieg:

“The biggest problem with capitalism is the way it has become intertwined with power... the growth of business is eroding our democracy. Capitalism without democracy is Russia.”

How did that happen?

Mitch McConnell and Republicans
The middle class is being eaten alive while the top 1% keep growing wealth @ unconscionable rates, all while schools, infrastructure, healthcare & wages suffer

Top marginal income tax rates

In the past the 1% paid their actual fair share. The middle class got tricked
Remember, our system does not mean that all of the taxable income is taxed at the highest rate.

Rather, it means that only the last portion of the income is taxed at the highest rate.

The other portions of the income are taxed at lower tax rates.
Higher progressive marginal rates worked in 1950's w Republicans in charge.

Yes. Before Mitch McConnell Republicans understood & supported progressive high marginal tax rates

Current system is not sustainable.

The rich are eating golden goose
I have no problem with the rich getting richer. In theory, without Mitch McConnell manipulations, the more they make, the more they pay in taxes

But this is absolutely fucking ridiculous

The real economy works when the workera can afford to spend
The one way to save capitalism? Elect Democrats who will use smart, targeted regulations.

Republicans will let the Trumps, Kochs & Ricketts of this world eat every golden egg of capitalism & then watch as they gobble down the goose that lays them.

Democrats work for us
In the 1950s and 1960s Republicans had no problem in high marginal rates

Remember, not all income is taxed at the higest rate, only the part over the income bracket

The middle class has been tricked by the Democrats tax and spends lie

The economy no longer works for workers
Mitch McConnell and Republicans will eat every golden egg of capitalism and gobble down the goose
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