1/ @PeterSchiff insists foolishly that gold and only #gold is the best #money and that nothing can or will replace it. #Bitcoin maximalists say precisely the same thing about bitcoin.
2/ But #bitcoin maximalists go even further and insist that there’s no viable use case for any #blockchain *except* as #money. This is as preposterous as @PeterSchiff saying something like “there’s no viable use case for metals except as money”. Not even Peter is that silly.
3/ Bitcoin maximalist “logic” is thus as follows:

1). #Bitcoin is the best #money and nothing can or will every replace it.

2). #Blockchains are and will ever only be useful for money.

3). So all other blockchains except for bitcoin are “shit” and “scams”.
4/ But #blockchains are very evidently useful for far more than money (though bitcoin’s monetary importance and advantage cannot and should not be minimized).
5/ @RaoulGMI is right. Several other #blockchain and #crypto projects have real value and important uses. Diminishing their obvious significance and value in pursuit of #bitcoin #maximalism is just as silly, petty, self-serving and ultimately self-harming...
6/ ...as @PeterSchiff diminishing #bitcoin ’s obvious significance and value in pursuit of #gold maximalism.
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