Every arrogant rose brigade comes into my mentions - demanding I define socialism. Because their premise is I must not understand it and that is why I hate it- sigh

That take that to know socialism is to like it seems more naive given there are few working models.
In fact, looking at Europe at all for examples of socialism is usually a bad idea because they seem to go through phases of different economic theories where a period of socialist type reforms are followed by a backlash to more conservatives governments undoing the reforms
People are drawn to the idea of socialism in theory because it seems like it actually does temper the market driven cruelty of capitalism but is not as extreme authoritarianism as communism. Also communism outlaws private property
The answer to Leftist is MMT despite the fact that many very poor countries print their own currency

Why don’t they hit the printing presses until they out of poverty https://twitter.com/proudsocialist/status/1336721152421457921
There is no getting around it - to run a government is to need revenue. And countries can only tinker with the private enterprise but so much before those who have it - leave in Pikkety failed experiments w/ the supertax they leave to protect their Holdings
There are other problems with socialism in practice and far left populism that even researcher from the left has identified- it tends to turn out more authoritarian in the long run

Studies have shown a direct link https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/bonikowski/files/bonikowski_et_al._-_populism_and_nationalism_in_a_comparative_perspective.pdf
So while everyone comes in and thinks socialism is sexy and has a natural attractive - we have had decades of it.
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