This thread is designed to give an orderly overview of my experiences:

I begin with two from my childhood which I had almost forgotten until one of the biggest life changer in 2016 occurred. My family was constantly fighting & it was such an evening where it escalated again 1/x
so my father put me on his shoulders to get in my room. Closing the shutter & door I sat there crying, screaming but it was instantly interrupted with a loud „knock-knock“ on my window. Agony turned into agitation. I yelled my father back, explained to him what just happened 2/x
in disbelief he opened the shutter again, looked outside and said that nothing were there, but from the noise it was like it came from inside anyway, the shutter would have made a different tone. I was left baffled, thinking innocently of birds or neighbors who threw stones. 3/x
The second incident happened before school. I played a new video game & wanted to know how much time I still have. Going out of the room I could see to the left directly into the room of my parents, where something caught my attention. 4/x
I then stood there, watching how the bedlinen of my parents chaotically levitated in mid-air. It was a strange sensation & sight so I ran down very excited asking my mom if we had just an earthquake. But she just sat there drinking her coffee and reading the news, negating it 5/x
I was yet again left baffled. In my innocence what else could it be than an earthquake I thought & quickly forgot it. Fast forward to 2016 where I received my drivers license & was outside all night with my friends looking for good spots to stargaze primarily. 6/x
We live surrounded by a good landscape full of little hills and nature. At one point we noticed apart from planes (sometimes) several red lights acting suspicious. They weren’t blinking at first, rather just staying above a certain area, going back & forth in a straight line 7/x
which I described as similar to ski-lifts. When these procedures are done they would start to blink & fly to a new area, repeating the process. Sometimes lowered the altitude. This could go for hours & these were visible almost every time we went there the whole 6 months 8/x
in which the following accounts happened. Curious by this I soon started to take other friends there too, but with them I only remember two different sightings. One night we were at the same spot where my first group of friends & me witnessed these red lights the first time 9/x
It’s a nice place surrounded by trees & hiking routes as well as secured areas for drink water. In one of these areas, the two other friends were sitting in the car while I had to pee, I noticed several lights (not bright) attached to a rather small object ~15m apart. 10/x
After taking a closer look I could make out a diamond/rhombus shaped form. It was just under the tree crowns, silently & veeeery slowly moving from left to right. Every time I looked to my completely unaware friends in the car & back again it seemed it moved a bit. 11/x
Watching it for 5-10 minutes it was now more on the right side where the curve of the street is & the entry to that „rest location“. Then I decided to get in my car, because of their personality I didn’t talk about it. 12/x
Nonetheless the next one appeared with one of those friends as we were sitting in the car at another spot, looking downhill to meadows & woods. Suddenly we both noticed a red light, but I knew this was brighter & slightly bigger than those first ones. This was stationary. 13/x
Slightly above the woods we could watch it going on and off, in irregular patterns. Knowing that there is no tower we were debating about what it could be. ~10 minutes later & still debating it went on again, lasted way longer than the other times, and switched off finally 14/x
Because of this & that my friend wanted it to be a tower I drove there the next day - no tower and it never happened again. Now I come to the two biggest occurrences which were with the first group of friends again driving around at the end of the night. 15/x
I can only think of this apparition that day but it changed my life once and for all. In the rear view I noticed a luminous fog on the side of the road which somehow led me to hit the brakes. Looking again there now was a big white-beige something. Turning my back 16/x
I was facing a perfect, two-dimensional appearing circle. Hanging stationary in mid-air maybe 30cm apart from the back of my car. Alarming my friends they instantly turned around too, that’s when the atmosphere got extra special. Not to describe, like spellbound. 17/x
It didn’t shine or seem to have a smooth „surface“ nor could you see through, but the outline was perfect. Based on feeling the duration was just under a minute, then it switched off. This sudden change was like being put out of trance so I started to screamed & hit the gas. 18/x
At home then, as if the realization kicked in, I had to smile & smile and couldn’t stop to the point where it almost hurt my cheeks. This was undeniably something else. It build up to immense euphoria & tingling all over my body, up to my head 19/x
where it resulted in a strange flow or stream I could feel on both sides but outside of my head, this can’t be described properly. The other not so big one happened nearby. While driving I noticed yet again an unusual red light, it was out of place. We got out of the car 20/x
to see how it stopped its flight, just to fly with incredible speed a Möbius strip - twice. Then it stopped again & flew normally in its initial direction. These two were at the end of that 6 months period & I’m sure some things are kind of forgotten because of the magnitude 21/x
After that I witnessed strange lights, strange behaving skies & anomalous occurrences with another group of friends on a whole different location.
But that circle changed everything.
During this time I went regularly to techno parties and unfortunately abused party drugs 22/x
I’d doubt it all if it weren’t for the different co-witnesses & ongoing encounters. Involvement with bad people got me in a paranoid state so I gave up on party drugs but cannabis remained until what I call the intervention happened. It was one night, I stood in the garden 23/x
looking at the stars & felt a strange sensation upon two of them, just above a nearby hill. Something told me that I have to go up there. I wasn’t sure but ultimately couldn’t resist. After the 5 minute walk I instantly heard sort of a whizzing sound & witnessed how 24/x
two hovercraft looking objects flew over the top of some trees where I originally located the two stars. Side by side, rather low flying above my head out of sight. They were visible for a while, but don’t remember any distinct lights, I knew they had to be manned. 25/x
Amazed by this I went home again, thinking a lot about what just occurred. I still had this kind of sensation, but instead decided to smoke a joint. Halfway through it I knew this was the wrong decision. My arms became numb and automatically my heart rate increased. 26/x
This went so far that I had to wake up my parents which is really a move out of desperation, I feared I would die now. They didn’t seem surprised & even said I should just go to sleep everything would be fine then. I couldn’t believe it, but listened. 27/x
The next day everything indeed was fine, but I said to myself I would never smoke again. The following week my sister invited me to join her and a friend to a trip in the Netherlands (yea great plan). I still had to fight with my paranoia too. As we arrived 28/x
you have to pay with a card to legally park your car there. This made me nervous, in this state of mind I thought it wouldn’t be good to let anyone know that we were there, registering our car and so on. The group before us had problems with it so it took a while (horror) 29/x
we had no idea what was going on (they talked in 3 different languages lol) until they found an officer who seemed to help them, we too went to the officer so we could legally park there as well but he ignored us as if we didn’t even exist. Thinking about what we should do 30/x
a man with his little daughter went to the parking machine, turned towards us but my sis and her friend didn’t seem to understand, staying in the background I instantly knew what he was trying to tell. Everything was fine and we could go now. 31/x
Just around the corner my paranoia hit me again as there was a rather young group of boys with a bmw pointing towards us & seemed to film us, laughing at us. My sis said she thought it would be because of her friend, so not entirely fantasized.
At the end of day I thought it would be a good place and way to have a last joint, properly. We found a coffee shop, sat down and smoked. Don’t know if related but for the sake of my paranoid state of mind I felt judged by a man beside us sitting there with the news. 33/x
As soon as he turned towards another group sitting there I also coincidentally knew this was a mistake, all this horror from the former week emerged again. Without making drama I just said that it would be better if we go out having some fresh air. It didn’t help. 34/x
But they wanted to go into the opposite grocery store, I didn’t want to be alone & went with them. Not long after it reached its peak. This time not only my arms were numb but also my legs accompanied with a high pitched sound so as to be unable to hear the outside world. 35/x
If my sis hadn’t supported me I would have just collapsed on that grocery floor. Barely hearing their voices we sat down a bench just outside of the store. After a while I noticed a little girl on the other side, waiting in front of a bike. 36/x
She studied me intensely & I felt even more bad because I didn’t want to be the one who looks like a crack pot when her mother for example would return and her daughter is looking so intensely to me. I tried to regain more and more control over my body and senses. 37/x
After a while I was able to stay more attentive again, that’s when that little girl moved away from the bike and started to shuffle (wtf?). This instantly pushed me even more attentive and made me feel much better somehow. Then also coincidentally her „mother“ came out 38/x
.. it was a friend.. not much older. Good for me, and as they were driving away past me, still eye contact I couldn’t help but wave and she smiled back. This whole day seemed like a never ending trip indeed. Don’t know what to think of these but I still think it’s related. 39/x
Fast forward I managed to fight my paranoia more or less successful. There was still a very heavy kind of weight I felt after all this mentally. It just felt like a dead end I can’t do much on my own now. So I looked up aunt google for all kinds of mental health problems. 40/x
During one of those articles I had the impulse to say „yes or no“ and after reading a particular excerpt again I turned my head upwards, closed my eyes and thought as strong as I could „YES PLEASE HELP ME“. Two days had passed, it was Friday 41/x
and we just recently had moved into our new home. My new bed arrived and I was watching a series about time traveler, where those on earth would get messages through unsuspecting individuals. After that I went downstairs but met my dad halfway 42/x
and before he could end his sentence it got interrupted with „Tonight“, which left him a bit confused, I was shocked. Back in my bed again I heard a loud banging or clapping noise inside my head which somehow instantly reminded me of a book I’ve read a few years ago 43/x
in which it is said that „they“ would warn you before an abduction with a clap, bang or whistle. My body reacted and I got very very excited, thought „is this really happening??“ but eventually managed to fall asleep. The next morning I first woke up 44/x
with the feeling of falling into my bed, looking at the clock it was 6am and instantly fell asleep again. The final time I woke up it was 10am, I felt surprisingly „lighter“ again, had fresh energy and a new sense of life so to speak. My eyes were very sensitive to light 45/x
and I couldn’t eat for a week, resulting in loosing 10kg.
After all this I had several sightings over the course of time, some of which were „close encounters“ in my room and Canada. Now I’m on to telepathy, as some probably know from my Tweets I had interactions there too 46/x
I felt the need to just write it down once and for all, so I will pin this tweet soon and add possible new sightings etc just to this overview
Not easy to include all details but I tried my best and am satisfied. 47/x
Additional curiosities: In Canada I was 3 months at a family’s property to help for meals & lodging, but had spent two weeks in Edmonton. When I came back among some oddities in the children’s behavior, as if they suddenly knew something which made one of them afraid to play 48/x
the other made an interesting situation during dinner. She stood up & sang „Tall and white canada“ while funnily dancing. There was another helper who asked the mom if it were the Canadian hymn, which she of course laughingly negated, saying it’s just her silly minutes 49/x
which the daughter energetically countered with „or maybe I impacted Toby“. That indeed made a lasting impression, and of course certain associations. This was my first time hearing these in „connection“ with my life. Another observation was after I had spread 50/x
the 6 months period in the internet I could see twice a brown helicopter flying rather low & both times in that particular direction. Now I don’t know if that is even slightly related but it was a big one & one we almost never see in our region, but I have to think about it 51/x
from time to time when reliving all this. The most important one out of these is the situation in Canada which I can’t „logically“ explain.
At their place I could witness another - very funny - „close encounter“ as well. In short: 52/x
It was first seen as flashlight going around their house (father was working inside, mother bringing children to bed), until it came into view and revealed itself as rhombus/diamond shaped light, 2-3m above the ground. When in full view I could see how it moved 53/x
almost like a coil spring up & down, very humorous, until it was ~10m directly opposite of me, turned „its face“ as if shocked/surprised & switched off. Just the time I’ve made a very unfortunate experience with a guy who sells pictures from rural homes, basically a scammer 54/x
to whom I gave my creditcard to pay this horrendous price, thought the family would like it & can’t really say no sometimes. It resulted in stress & precautions to call & deny access to the card, having no money anymore and so on. However the sighting was like „all is fine“. 55/x
I might as well include the second time I had „tall whites“ coming up.
This is also rather recently on the 8th of July. I went with the intention of finding out who is responsible for my encounters into meditation. Suddenly a being appeared mentally, followed by another. 56/x
The first was what I consider to be a grey, though more dark brown & very lively and as if face-to-face. Within seconds the other being appeared behind him, looking from above down to me. Because of him I later searched for albino-type beings. I tried my best on that one 57/x
but couldn’t manage to get the right proportions. His eyes definitely went more around the head, were longer & the top is more balanced, not so rounded. In the background was this gaseous multicolored apparition. As mentioned before I looked it up after that 58/x
and came across „tall whites“ and Charles Hall. I bought the book, and soon all of them. I wasn’t sure what to think and asked for confirmation if that what I possibly telepathically saw were „tall whites“ & if I can name them so. Now a little background to this 59/x
Every time I ask for confirmation I usually see a ufo within two days. When it occurs it also instantly reminds me of my question, if not it’s not a confirmation. Similar to the night of „abduction“ where this sound instantly reminded me of a book passage. However this time 60/x
it took 5 days. On the 13th of July I was outside smoking a cigarette when just above my house a very fast & white object flew across the sky, and I got reminded of my question.
This was my confirmation. All the main parts should now be covered. 61/x
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