1) Why we have good thoughts. Why we have bad thoughts...

The body is electric. Thoughts are the engine’s transmission of that electrical system. Good thoughts raise your electrical state. Bad thoughts lower your electrical state.
2) All thoughts are here to regulate your engine. If you have too much energy, you talk shit about yourself to drain your electricity back down to a level you are comfortable with. If you think positively or in gratitude you are collecting energy to raise your electricity.
3) Good thoughts turn your body into a collection antenna. Bad thoughts turn you into a grounding rod. We breathe electricity through our spine.

Thoughts are here to regulate the RPMs in your engine. This engine is ego.
4) The more you mistrust your ego, the more comfortable you are shedding its power. Ego is all of your electricity. The more power you have, the more capabilities you have. More ego means more empathy, more compassion, more stamina, more patience, more aperture, more intuition,
5) more power, more accountability, more responsibility, more vigilance, more pride, more charisma, more discernment, and more you. People with low egos are weak. People with high egos are powerful.

Shaming the ego is shaming your power.
6) When you see someone shame ego you are watching someone drain power. They want you to drain your power too so they don’t feel so lame for doing it. How you respond to your ego is directly proportional to the amount of electricity it can hold. It could not be simpler.
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