please stop using the “issues in the world” carrd!! there’s a lot of islamophobia in it so don’t share it, put in ur bio / pinned, etc. i’m going to link some alternatives in this thread!!
(it links to an islamophobic organization with islamophobic propaganda e.g. said uyghurs are not persecuted in china even though it’s been proven that they are many times +)

^^^ the organization it links to in relation to christian persecution is very anti islam
(another thing is that it uses “womxn,” a term that is unnecessary and enforces transphobic ideologies)

there’s more wrong with this carrd i’m sure but in short: please stop spreading this carrd around!
and here are a few carrd alternatives!

i went through these the best i can at the moment so please let me know if there is anything wrong with them!
🔗 shares links about uyghur muslim concentration camps, blm, lgbtq+ rights, the philippines, and a LOT more! the owner is going to start updating it more soon (last updated dec. 11th) and some of the carrds linked are routinely updated 
🔗 has charts sharing information of what’s happening around the world! it talks abt the americas, oceania, africa, europe, the middle east, asia, as well as petitions / donations, blm, lgbtq+, indigenous peoples, climate change, animal rights, & more 
🔗 shares resources to therapists, hotlines, and more for black african americans struggling with mental health during this time. donations can be made to some of the organizations as well! 
and here are some carrds specifically about uyghurs in china !!!
🔗 explains what is happening to uyghurs in china, provides links to articles to inform yourself, and petitions to sign or donate to 
🔗 provides some links on where to help uyghur muslims in china! where to donate, sign a petition, and what u can do to help them.

i’m not too sure if the change,org petition will do much but remember to NOT donate to change,org 
that’s what i have for now but basically: read through carrds and other information before sharing it with others! it could do more harm than good if u don’t.

^^^ like make sure to go through these carrds as well! i may of accidentally missed something.
also!! unrelated to this but pls check out this as well and sign the petition
i would like to add that some trans women may be okay with using this term for themselves because someone pointed it out !!
also!! as some of the qrts point out, please do not rely on only carrds!! u can start with carrds but then pls move on to doing ur own research as well!! ^^
🔗 here’s another helpful carrd!! it shares resources abt the world, blm, different continents, covid-19, feminism, lgbtq+, mental health, and neurodiversity education!!
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