Every where you turn to, it is one bad news or the other. I honestly believe that apart from demanding for the best from our leaders we should increase in our Istighfar and mend our relationship with Allaah and live sincerely and truthfully with one another.
A societal menace cannot be addressed from one perspective, we need a multi-facet approach. The leaders must be at the forefront in addressing the issues that have crippled us and so do the followers need to be upright. God is always with the just and upright nation.
We might change a hundred leaders and our problems will still persist if we as a people are not willing to be morally upright. The solution to our problems is not ONLY kept in demanding for change in leadership but it entails change in the moral compass of the followers.
As long as we are upon righteousness and abandon shirk and evil acts, we will have sincere, honest and truthful leaders. Our leaders are a reflection of who we are at large.
When the society had the likes of Uthman, Ali, Abu Ubaydah, Sa'd and Aisha and Hafsah (RA) and the likes, they had a leader in the person of Umar (RA) who will it rest until everywhere and everyone is secured.
Allaah will hold every unjust leader responsible for his injustice and will question him for every one under his leadership. Likewise, each one of us will be held responsible for our ungodly actions. We must not forget that our actions do attract calamities in our lands.
One soul lost unjustly has the potential of jeopardizing a leader's Hereafter. Leadership should not be sought after by all means. It is the most difficult thing to discharge. The responsibility is so daunting that the likes of Umar (RA) with all his justice was restless.
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