Thank you. But respectfully I would really gently ask you to rethink this position. Our entire human civilization is being burnt up, possibly forever.The rationale is these handful of data assessments.EVERYONE needs to be willing to demand and lookout the data. People are ...
2/ being conditioned (brainwashed) into accepting that data are "too hard" for the average person to follow and interpret. But this is just not true. It's common sense and when people allow themselves to get over the fear of asking what they are propagandized to believe may be..
3/ "stupid questions", they can see for themselves in just a few queries and clicks, how the data fall apart. It's really just three questions you need to ask: WHAT is the source for these data? (hospitals, tests, or in this case, a study)? WHAT is the "methodology" - as I often
4/ explain, that's just a fancy word for "what did they look for and how was this interpreted?" And lastly WHERE are the datasets? These should be spreadsheets with no personally identifying info that show each case, date etc.
5/ It's exactly like this: I bring home a bag of groceries and tell you that I have enough food to feed a village of 10,000 for a month. To make sure I'm not insane, you would ask: 1/ where did you buy these items? (Sources). 2/ How did you select them? (Methodology) 3/What are..
..they, can I see them? (Datasets.). If I claim to have enough food to feed 10,000 people for a month w/o letting you know where I bought it, what I chose and if you can see the total amount of food, why should you believe me? Especially if I am carrying a single grocery bag..
5/ and refuse to let you look inside or answer any questions about what this alleged food is or how much is there or where I got it from? Or if I am counting one grocery item 16 times so my assessment that I can feed 10,000 people may be totally wrong?
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