On April 12, 1922, Hitler gave a speech to a crowd in Munich proclaiming he was a Christian, “My Christian feeling directs me to my Lord and saviour as a fighter. As a Christian I have the duty for the truth and what is right.” His supporters believed him
They stated, “Hitler said it, I believe it, that settles it.”
Joseph Goebbels knew Hitler to be anti-Christian, in his diary entries, Hitler in reality wanted to destroy the churches. He saw Christianity as a symptom of decay, a strata deposited by the Jewish race.
Hitler was a deceptive politician who knew how to woo voters. He pandered to religious sensibilities. It is known that Hitler would lie if it would benefit him. In the mid 1930’s he assured people he had no aggressive intentions. Even when he annexed Austria, he assured the world
that he had no other designs whilst encouraging Germans leaders in Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland region to foment unrest in the country as a country of unrest will accept anything.
Hitler was not a man of his word. He told Christians he wanted peace and then years later that they would have to psychologically prepare for violence. Hitler knew he had to win over the masses, including the church. He was a follower of Georg Von Schönerer, but didn’t agree with
his Los-von-Rom (Away from Rome), the abandonment of the Catholic Church. Hitler needed the church, all Christians of all denominations. He needed Christianity for German nationalism, to be German is to be Christian. Hitler needed the German Catholics and Protestants, because
the correct political course would be to imbue them with nationalistic sentiments so they would support a “single holy German nation,” just as they had done during WW1.
German holy nationalism was Hitler’s political movement that would unite Germans against the Jews, where “the most devout Protestant would sit beside the most devout Catholic.” He was anti Christian and warned his members to keep any anti religious inclinations private.
What Hitler states in Mein Kampf was that he would guarantee religious freedom but he only believed in religious liberty insofar as it did not conflict with his own ideology. Politically, Hitler would have to play the hypocrite when it came to the church because he knew that by
playing the religious hypocrite had its political advantages.
How did Hitler know that being a religious hypocrite would be a political advantage? Well that would be America. On June 5, 1934, leading Nazi lawyers gathered at a meeting to plan what would become the Nuremberg Laws, the anti-Jewish legislation. This meeting involved
detailed and lengthy discussions of the law of the...United States. Within the opening minutes, Justice Minister Franz GĂĽrtner presented a memo on American race law, which had been carefully prepared by the officials of the ministry for purposes of the meeting. The American
model of racist legislation was the discussion. The most radical of these Nazi’s were ardent champions of the lessons from American race legislation. Even in Mein Kampf, Hitler praised America as nothing less than “the one state” that had made progress toward the creation
of a healthy racist order of the kind the Nuremberg Laws were intended to establish. The Christian Puritan nation.
The supposed land of freedom, liberty and democracy was the land that inspired radical Nazi’s. The reality was that the world knew that America was the home of racism and bigotry. The Jim Crow South and 1930’s Germany has been described as a “mirror image.” However, whilst
Nazi Germany was eradicated and made illegal, the American mirror was not smashed. It became a circus mirror. Both of these regimes were unapologetically barbaric. No thought for human life and suffering, in fact suffering was what they wanted. Black people in the South were
hounded, pulled from their homes, beaten, tortured and murdered with no legal ramifications, because legislation allowed it. The Nazi Regime and the American South thrived in horror, on “radical evil.” Then told their countrymen that the Bible states this is ok.
In 1995, a German lawyer by the name of Andreas Rathmeier wrote about the Nuremberg Laws that found the legal writing to be almost identical to racist American law. That for the Nazi’s, America was the “classic example” when writing the Nuremberg Laws. American
historians however have dismissed any similarity, stating it to be a “liberal outlook,” whilst completely ignoring documents that proved otherwise.
Now going back to how Hitler used Christians for his political movement can be seen when Christian supporters of Hitler called themselves “storm troopers of Jesus Christ.” Continuous propaganda “Hitler’s fight and Luther’s teaching are the best defense for the German people.”
The German Christian movement made significant changes to German Protestantism to bring it in line with Nazi racial ideology. Instead of classifying people as Christians or Jews based on their faith, as the Protestants had always done, German Christians began to classify people
by racial heritage, as the Nazis did. “One Nation! One God! One Reich! One Church!"
It is said that the only book Donald Trump has read is Mein Kampf, I believe this to be true. But he must have also surrounded himself with those that understood Hitler’s religious hypocrisy in
a lot more detail. People like Miller. Donald Trump knee he wouldn’t have won without Christianity, not the practicing Christians, but the Christian nationalists. “Christians love me” is something Hitler also could have said. Some Christians in Germany, especially post-1945,
would not want to be lumped into that group. Voting studies show that the most intensely Protestant regions, regions of piety similar to the Bible Belt in today’s America, had the highest rates of support for the Nazi Party.
This provided the margin Hitler needed to be named Chancellor in 1933. The Catholic Church proved less supportive at first. Within weeks, however, Catholic delegates in the Reichstag voted as a bloc, giving Hitler the two-thirds vote he needed to amend the constitution.
Paul Althaus, the leading Luther scholar in Germany at the time, put it this way: “Our Protestant churches have greeted the turning point of 1933 as a gift and miracle from God.”
Now one has to remember that the Holocaust could not have happened without the support of Christian prejudice. One has to ask oneself, what exactly is this Christianity. Yes I’ve already stated that Christian nationalism is based on Christian values. But the word Christianity
still has the man Jesus attached to it. Jesus, his apostles, all Jewish. How can one support the genocide of millions of Jewish people in the name of Jesus, a Jewish man. A rabbi. Well all it takes is politically inspired Christian leaders. Christianity is a devotion to God
a devotion to Jesus Christ. What happens is that those that “call” themselves Christian, based on country of origin and not the actual Christian values, are raised with the word devotion. This devotion that should be for God is placed elsewhere, a leader.
If you speak to a Christian nationalist, they will believe that they have accepted Jesus into their hearts, they have been saved by Jesus’ death on the cross, that they live a Christian life. All of these are the assumptions of pious Christians to this day.
Gerhard Kittel in Germany believed all of these things, he was a very prominent German theologian, someone that German Christians listened to and respected. How did this prominent Christian theologian respond to Hitler’s win in 1933. Ecstatically.
In a talk he accepted entirely the Nazi idea that the 500,000 Jews in Germany, less than 1 % of the population, represented a threat to Germany, represented a group that could destroy Germany. Kittel described four possible solutions to the Jewish question. These included
assimilation, emigration, and even extermination. He then advocated Gastzustand as a solution, depriving Jews of their legal citizenship so that separate laws could be created just for them. This would allow harsh measures aimed only at Jews,
Jews could then be removed from every important position in German life,from judges to professors, from teachers to policemen, from doctors to journalists. He also would ban marriage and sexual relations between Aryan Germans and Jews, so that racial mixing could not occur.
Therefore it requires prominent politically motivated religious leaders to push the narrative. The same kind of politically motivated self preservation religious leaders that were also responsible for the death of Jesus. Can we think of any politically motivated Christian
leaders in America? This can take us full circle back to the American south. We know that in the early 1970’s, Republicans and Democrats both supported Roe v. Wade. Anti-abortion activists in America were a small group. However, the religious leaders in the South were not happy
because they still wanted segregated schools. Such as Jerry Falwell. But it was illegal, and he was warned that his Christian school would no longer be tax exempt if he didn’t remove segregation. This led to him joining a Conservative think tank that wanted to control America.
This group would push for religious freedom but they wouldn’t be able to promote this based on not wanting to include Black children in their schools, that was illegal. So how could they push their religious freedom narrative? They would adopt a pro-life movement to do it.
This power group that would rule Washington would use pro-life activists to push for religious freedoms to ultimately allow them to continue racist practices. It is all about power and racial prejudice. Leaders would have to be pro-life, demand religious freedom if they were to
be backed by these influential Christian leaders.
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