Reading the tweets under Von Der Layen’s announcement that talks would continue really drives home that most leavers and remainers have no idea what they’re talking about even with 4 years of wall to wall coverage.
FBPE guy saying it is the UK’s fault for wanting “unrestricted access to the single market” (not on offer, not requested, not a sticking point) and a Brexiteer responding with something about the ECHR (genuinely nothing to do with this).
I dunno if this is a problem that Brexit is actually too complicated for most people to understand or it is the fault of politicians for obfuscating the issues, or the press for preferring to report on “palace intrigue” rather than details on policy. Maybe a bit of all three!
I voted remain - but I had genuine hope that Brexit would make us “grow up” politically: Brexit involves making tough choices and I hoped we’d get a taste for making them, rather than the can kicking we’ve been doing for years. But people don’t even understand the tough choices.
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