Ethnic cleansing does not happen with the publics of each side being unaware of the real situation on the ground. German civilians might ha w feigned innocence of what was going on, but they read the race purity laws and saw the book burnings and deportations just the same.
Today, with modern forms of communication, ethnic cleansing is internationalised and there is an added sinister dimension where perpetrator and victim can communicate freely without it making any difference to the way the crime is perpetrated.
As a Kurd, like many Kurds, I have obviously experienced the many Turkish genocide-promoting accounts that get giddy enough at the thought of ethnic cleansing there is no reason to keep their treasure troves of images of dead Kurds to themselves but send them to my inbox as well.
Recently, I have been following the Azeri-Armenian conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh and am disgusted by the sheer number of Azerbaijani citizens who, with great English skills, boast about the victimisation of Armenian supposed fellow citizens.
There is an ease of expression for sentiments that frankly I haven't seen expressed so openly outside of history books that genuinely shocks me. These aren't anonymous edgy accounts but regular people. Teachers, students, doctors and other otherwise normal people.
There is such a powerful feeling of justifiability in the promotion of ethnic cleansing carried out today by their "own side" that it boggles belief. These normal people want to see blood and suffering, tears and displacement as they saw images of their citizens in the 90s.
The lesson of seeing their kin become homeless in the 90s was not that being driven from your ancestral home was wrong, it was that one day they would get to make other completely innocent people victims as well.
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