Gained a paradigm shift from @jackbutcher

As an agency you spend more brain power solving client problems (more cost, less scale)

but you can productize your service & have it reach more people at a time (less cost, more scale)
See it like this

if you offer a service for $10,000 or more, chances are you can work with lesser people because of the commitment involved

so it has less scalability

yet you can sell the process behind that for $497-$997 and reach more people

this has more scale & less cost
so if your goal for instance was to hit $1,000,000 in revenue generated

You can either sell a $10,000 service to 100 people

or create a flywheel product for $997 that reaches 1001 people

one involves more time

the other has lower cost of duplication and a far higher upside
Thanks @jackbutcher for the really important mind shift

Now I know what to focus on from next month

Definitely will be sharing the process as it unfolds.
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