Oh heavens. Briefly, the D in PhD, DPhil, EdD (et al) stands for Doctor, this qualification is a doctorate. It comes from the Latin docere - to teach. 1/n
It predates the use of doctor by medical practitioners, but society has agreed by consensus to refer to physicians as doctor, regardless of whether they have doctorates. This is fine and invoking an etymological origin doesn’t help. Dr Jill Biden is a doctor. 2/n
Oh yes it’s hilarious to say that someone who has a PhD in history can’t deliver a baby, but only if you’re a drooling gurgleturd. I myself have delivered 3 babies and also have a PhD, not in delivering babies but in developmental genetics. 3/n
It is a qualification. Professor is a job title. The only reason to challenge someone’s legitimate use of their own hard won qualifications is if you are a dull wanker. Epstein is a racist, homophobic misogynist, dull wanker. 4/n
We do this dance very few years when some fartknocker wishes to display their sexism by belittling a woman who is better qualified than them. Doing a doctorate is invariably impressive, and I hope you feel that you can wear that badge with pride, if you so chose. 5/n
Exceptions include Dr Fox, Dr No, Dr Alban, Professor Green, Dr Dre, The Doctor. 6/exasperatioN
People who call themselves doctor when they don’t practice medicine OR have a doctorate, they’re the ones you should look out for, cos they’re invariably dropping some grifting diet, religious batshittery, or in the case of Dre, some of the most influential beats in history.
It is, for the record, a category error to forget about Dre, the repercussions to which should not be underestimated
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