I've been diving a lot into the science of happiness and contentment for the past months as I prepare for our second child ❤️ These are some things I've found useful

🧵 https://twitter.com/Vintharas/status/1337700652252880896
1. Meditation 🧘‍♀️
I've been practicing for about ~4 years. It has helped me be more patient with Teo, Malin and all the struggles of parenting, dealing with myself and other humans, cultivating reflection and more self-awareness.
The gist of meditation is that it creates space between action => reaction, something happens => I react to it.

That space is great to make better decisions on how to react to things and to learn to know thyself.

http://headspace.com  is a great place to start meditating
2. Exercise 🏃
Super basic, but there's no bad mood that going for a walk can't fix.
Low on morale => exercise
Low on energy => exercise

Can't find energy to exercise? Start with 5 minutes. Anyone can do 5 minutes of anything.

Can't do 5 minutes? Do 1 minute.
3. Journaling ✏️
Helps me develop more self-awareness, creates a space for me to talk with myself. It's a very peaceful and enjoyable activity.
4. Gratefulness 💛
Helps me focus in the things that I appreciate in life. Helps me cultivate appreciation.
5. Investing in your strengths 💪
This was something I learned in the happiness course that Laurie (from the Happiness Lab) does at Yale. The tl;dr is that you are happier if you spend time doing things that you enjoy doing, that play to your character strengths 😅 (doh)
In the hectic-ness of life it is easy to come out of contact with this basic principle XD. There's a free survey that you can do to find out about these strengths if you aren't full aware of them:

I've learned that if I spend some of my day doing any some of things I feel happier. Even something as short as 30 minutes count.
For instance, I'm super curious and love learning new stuff. If I block 30 minutes or less to learn something new, I feel a profound sense of contentment that accompanies me for the rest of the day.
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