đź“… #OTD 1643, despite winter quarters, Sir William Waller's parliamentarians attacked royalist Alton.
Battle focussed around the church of St Lawrence's & the graveyard, where the royalist infantry made a last stand. Signs of the desperate struggle can still be seen today ... 1/3
2/3 The steps to the pulpit are said to be where the royalist Colonel Richard Bolle killed several parliamentarians before being slain himself.
The royalists used dead horses as barricades and threw grenadoes from the windows.
3/3Prior to attack Waller received a message from the royalist commander, the Earl of Crawford. As Alton's beer was so bad, he asked Waller for a runlet of wine in exchange for an ox. Waller duly sent wine, but Crawford then said that if he wanted his ox, he must come and get it
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