The more time you spend on women, the less you build & accomplish.

For the young man especially, women are an indulgence not a necessity, and if you're not prepared, their chaos will derail & devour you.

Be mindful, guard your time, and proceed with cautious optimism.

Tell son
You will be told women make life better and easier by supporting you.

This is propaganda.

Truth: they will reduce your efficiency with their demands, mind games and erratic emotions.

Time and energy that would otherwise go into productive ends gets spent on managing your woman
If you are a man who has already reached a higher stage of maturity and personal development, this is a cost you can afford to bear.

If you haven't, not only will you let her down and damage her with ineffective leadership, but she too will hold you back from growing.
I don't say these things to encourage contempt of them, I tell you them because they are vitally important and society is in denial about it.

Women are not your equals. They are needy and looking for a father figure. They will take more than they give.

Can you afford this?
In her own conceited language, she's looking for a man, not a boy

And unlike the journey from girlhood to womanhood, the journey from boyhood to manhood is a long one, because no class of human is held to a higher standard of performance than men.

And men aren't made overnight.
So why does she need a man, not a boy?

Because a man is mature, and a boy is not.

A man is wiser than her, a boy is not.

A man's more emotionally stable than her, a boy is not.

She feels safe and protected with a man, but scared and uncertain with a boy.

You are her crutch.
So if you are her crutch, how does she give more than she takes?

Women are egotistical creatures. They do not like to admit just how much they need and depend on men, to the extent they devised an entire ideology stating this is not the case, when it is in fact the whole case.
In affairs of women, you are not looking to profit because it is impossible to do so. By merit of their greater need, they impose more, and in doing so, take more.

Their value lies in the comforts they bring and the children they can bear.

Beyond this, they have nothing for you
Men who do profit from women, harm them greatly.

They are either sociopaths who prey on them, seeing them as resources to be extorted, damaged and discarded, or men looking to enact sexualised mother-son relationships due to unresolved childhood issues.

Both are very unhealthy.
Women are only free to be as feminine as their men enable them to be.

The stronger the men, the more feminine the women.

The reason for this is simple - basic survival requires masculine traits. Feminine women rely on men for this, whilst the single woman must embody it herself
The warmth and grace of femininity is thus one of the greatest and most rewarding womanly comforts a man may indulge.

It is the ultimate affirmation to him that his efforts have paid off and are being duly appreciated, as she is safe enough and free enough to be a girl again.
A man spends the majority of his life attempting to escape his boyhood by transcending it, so that he may become strong and wise enough to become the archetypal father

Whilst a woman moves in the opposite direction, looking to reconnect with the purity, joy & warmth of her youth
Women lose touch with who they are in their bid to survive, and spend the rest of their lives trying to return home

Or as they say "to find themselves" once more.

They cannot reach that destination without a strong man, alone.

Men do not find themselves, they build themselves.
Where there's arrested mediocrity in man's boyishness, there's deep beauty in woman's girlishness

It is for this reason calling a man a boy is oft taken as an insult, whilst calling a woman a girl's oft seen as a compliment.

You see, deep down, we implicitly know these things.
Men are forged, women are preserved

The most desirable woman is not one who has failed to preserve her femininity, but the most desirable men are the ones who have acquired patriarchal masculinity

This is why women value experienced men, but men do not value experience in women
Experience is conducive to masculinity but not conducive to femininity in much the way preservation is conducive to femininity, but not to masculinity

Men grow stronger, women get damaged.

Men break better than women.

For men are more disposable, but women are more perishable.
A warm, robust woman is a well preserved woman with lifelong exposure to wisdom, & limited, tolerable exposure to small doses of poison in a staggered fashion which enthuse rather than rot the spirit

A strong noble man entered the abyss, & returned from hell with his soul intact
Time to give my mind a rest, as this thread was done off the cuff, and went on for much longer than I had originally intended.

If you enjoyed this thread, want more, and wish to support my work, please consider purchasing my audiobook. 

Thank you.

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