Breaking News

@BorisJohnson campaigning for people to leave #footballindex on bad terms and at any cost

@RishiSunak secretly working on a buy now to help out scheme to boost the market

@Dyson currently developing a life support machine to keep the platform alive
The builders on FI talk about walls, floors and ceilings

A coordinated campaign against IPDs has started as if they were the cause of this mess

Liquidity, dynamics, downwards pressure & manipulation are amongst words used daily

A dysfunctional community takes aim at each other
In the meanwhile despite a self induced coma the bleeding continues, internal organs recently replaced should provide a new lease of life

In other news rivals & competitors are popping up left right and centre and unheard of people pop up kicking the platform while it’s down
Previously our bets were simply backing the company, if they did well it’s users were going to do the same

With OB you are placing a bet against the house (win more divis than you pay) or in a dog eat dog environment where some wins and some lose, money don’t grow on trees
FI it’s at an all time low however don’t let that spook you too much, await for developments and an healthier state of play before making an educated decision on the platform and it’s outlook, the game has changed and some may not like it however one thing it’s almost sure
FI it’s not going under, they should have healthy cash reserves, even if they don’t they should be able to raise cash to buy themselves time (shareholders or loan)

Lastly, if the 💩 hits the fan there will certainly be interest from one of the major bookmakers to take over
If that would be a good or bad thing it’s a matter of opinion but the bottom line is if your ultimate worry it’s that your money could go up in smoke that’s unlikely although off course only keep money you can afford to lose

In the meanwhile enjoy football ⚽️
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