Everyone is holding their breath, waiting for the next crypto regs to drop.

But just remember that "self hosted wallet" / "private wallet" definitions are meaningless, garbage semantics meant to target your individual privacy.

You are entitled to privacy under the Constitution.
I'm so tied of the burden being on us to show that we are are using tech legally.

"You shouldn't be worried about surveillance if you have nothing to hide."

Bullshit. That's backwards.

The government has the burden of proof.

Otherwise, people have the right to be left alone.
50 years ago, if the government suspected you of a crime, they would seek a court warrant to gain access to your private documents.

The Bank Secrecy Act changed everything. And then the Patriot Act.

Warrantless searches are now broadly accepted. Transactional privacy is gone.
Crypto offers a solution, but certainly not a guarantee.

The Chinese government isn't investing in blochchain tech for its privacy features.

It's our duty, as early adopters, to push for privacy solutions in crypto.

Fight for your rights. Once they're gone, they're gone.
You can follow @BullyEsq.
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