We have been working behind the scenes on several things; today, I’m here to talk about our podcast / film project, “Rob Anderson: Live.”

What we are doing is both simple and ambitious: we have gotten access to a log cabin in Lafayette, Louisiana.

The cabin is full of beautiful wood and quirky atavism; once we spotted it, we realized the location IS the bridge to the story.

We want to help rebuild The American Dream.

The podcast will be the creation of several producers, working to find people’s stories to tell.

We are based in the South, of course, but our guests will be from all over, and each segment will tie in to a phase of the work we are doing in the cabin: hands-on, and boots on the ground.

The podcast will be available as a one hour video, or one hour audio recording;

We audaciously believe that we can produce both.

Real stories, about progressives seeking change in how the south deals with criminal justice reform, climate change, women’s healthcare, and everything that affects us all.

Our producers will be:

Myself, Dave, Ian, Elliot, and Lindsey; Gina will supervise production. When the official teaser trailer launches, I’ll include everyone’s Twitter handles.

For those who’ve read this far, here is a preview of Day One of cleaning as metaphor: we have a long way to go.

You can follow @RobAnderson2018.
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