1-I had an epiphany today. I have been stumped at how such an obviously stupid man could have pulled off the con of the century--rising from the ash of failure to become POTUS, and subsequent leader of a fervent cult. It seemed impossible that a guy who can't spell "damn" could
2-possibly fail upward, to such an impenetrable dam of support. Watching clips from the insane rally today (which he is too lazy and selfish to even attend), it occurs to me that his stupidity is, in fact, the key to his success. For his followers, this is the leader they have
3-waited all their lives for. This king doesn't challenge them to be better, doesn't make them feel stupid, doesn't require them to be curious, virtuous, or wise. He accepts them exactly as they are, because he is fundamentally disinterested in who they are. This isn't love, of
4-course. It is a kind of acceptance. It is a symbiotic trade -a gift of a voice, to people who don't want to be asked for anything but their vote. Because he offers them nothing and asks for nothing, they can be who they are--warts of racism & ignorance, and all. He does not
5- ask them to consider what they can do for their country, so they don't ask him to do anything for them. For this reason, he is not held to the empty and unintentional promises he made--like a wall expensed to Mexico. Trump keeps only the promises he made to the ruling class
6-that he is *actually* accountable to. He brings judges and tax cuts, and blocks additions to the melting pot that threatens their majority. Trump serves only this class as his master, and his ignorance is no barrier here, either--this master tells him exactly what to do.
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