How do y’all really be silly enough to say Jews run the world when your laws and society have been shaped by European Christianity for centuries at this point? Christians enslaved you but Jews are the world’s evil... lmao
Y’all sound CRAZY and even worse, like y’all don’t READ. Stop regurgitating white supremacist talking points 😭
Most of you hate Jews and make them out to be these mythical demons because you have a very Christian worldview and were raised to see them a certain way, (even if you spend your time saying you no longer worship the white mans god). Don’t @ me
Christians sent envoys of violent missionaries and converters to literally conquer the world and build the Catholic Churches’ coffers, they STILL are the majority worldwide and especially in America... but it’s the Jews specifically oppressing black America.
you don’t have to do anything but ask yourself if this really makes sense & change how you move going forward. But right now this line of thinking ain’t it. I *understand* why y’all think like this but y’all need to free yourselves from the shackles of white Christian supremacy
Sidenote: Hitler got tips on how to alienate and dehumanize the Jews from white Americans and their treatment of black people. Whyyyyyy would you be saying some shit that Hitler used to murder millions of people? DO BETTER
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