Good Night, Good Morning, and Good Afternoon Everyone ... I'd like to start with some attention paid to a very important subject that I have failed to bring more attention to.. Animal Rights and the Prevention of Animal Abuse and Cruelty.. Unbeknownst to most...cont
All animals in the Animal Kingdom here on Earth, have just as many if not more feelings and emotions than Human Beings.. Human Beings have had more Beings interfere in their evolution than they have a clue about.. I'm not going to get into the specifics about who and when..cont
Just know this.. From the original inception of you into Creation, there have been other Beings interested in becoming just like you...That and wanting their particular race to have the same qualities of a Human Being.. This has resulted in the manipulation of your DNA..cont
Powers Human Beings once had have been turned off in the interest of gaining total control of them.. The ability to communicate with the Spirit Beings has been curtailed by the calcification of your Peneal Gland, the main transmitter/receiver to do this with.. cont
Make a long story short, while they were spending all that time trying to alter you to their wishes, animals were in large part left alone.. All the powers that were turned off in Human Beings, still are alive and well in animals.. They can still traverse between dimensions..cont
They can understand your thoughts.. Animals do more communicating thru telepathy than any other way.. Human Beings used to communicate exclusively thru telepathy.. That day is coming close to happening again.. Imagine having a conversation where your thoughts are ,,cont
Transferred to whomever your speaking with, instantly !! Animals understand everything your saying, just not in the context of a language.. So, the next time you think you're being slick about the bath coming up, or the trip to the Veterinarian, animals can read your ...cont
Thoughts from miles away.... Right now, because Human Beings consider animals to be inferior to them, there is a huge problem of abuse and neglect all over the World... The Chinese, Vietnamese and other Asian countries have launched an educational program to try and stop..cont
The practice of killing animals for food... It;s absolutely horrific what goes on at these dog meat markets.. I would expect they'll get a handle on it soon.. Meanwhile, the other huge problem facing the Animal Kingdom is homelessness.. Strays of all kinds of animals is..cont
Rampant, worldwide.. If the animal is fortunate to be in the right area, they'll be picked up and taken to a shelter.. But that is only a temporary gig in most shelters due to over crowding and lack of funds.. Right now, ALL shelters worldwide are over crowded..cont
And understaffed.. Money is lacking to feed and house them all.. There are some shelters that make the needed effort to find homes for these strays, but most DON'T !! After a certain time, if not adopted, they are killed and sold as dog food or whatever... This is where...cont
All of you come into the picture.. If you haven't ever had a pet, dog, cat, whatever, you don't know what you're missing.. No matter the animal, they will give you unconditional love from the day you adopt them to their deaths.. They will also give you good feelings..cont
A much needed boost in this dying society.. SO, GET YOUR ASS OFF THE STUPID COUCH, TURN OFF THE BOOB TUBE, GRAB THE KIDS AND JUMP INTO THE OLE JALOPY ..HEAD ON DOWN TO YOUR LOCAL ANIMAL SHELTER AND ADOPT A LIL BUDDY !! Actually you'll need to adopt 2 little buddies...cont
This will insure they have company during all the time you need to be away from home working or whatever.. AND DON'T FORGET THE FOOD, TREATS AND TOYS !! All animals appreciate their own designated bed for sleeping and kicking back, so pick em up or make sure to make one..cont
As soon as you get home with them. This will help them calm down and get used to their new home.. ALL YOU FOLKS WITH PROPERTY ! I'm talkin a couple of acres or more.. Go ahead and adopt the entire population of the shelter, then head over to the next county and adopt theirs..cont
As well.. You can never have TOO MANY little buddies... One thing I would love to see everyone doing.. If you see or hear of an animal being abused, do the right thing and intervene in that animals behalf.. There is no excuse for some AssHole to be miss treating a helpless animal
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