So lemme get this straight: Axios (which is not exactly a friend of the right) is the outfit that busts our farting Congressman after someone “leaks” the skinny on him in a town where the leaks usually go in a direction that HELPS the left, not hurt it! And consider this👇..1/12
If you’ve got a HIGHLY valued honey pot spy, do you just turn her loose in a country of 330 MILLION to find ON HER OWN some RANDOM nobody in the nether regions of CA who SHE thinks will become a SOMEBODY who SOME day MIGHT land on, not one, but TWO critical committees?...2/12
That’s relying on a LOTTA chance if you ask me! Lemme propose another scenario: The CCP (who’re just as much behind our schools’ America-hating/blaming agenda as anyone) ACTUALLY implants spies as professors and it is THEY who keep an eye out for the certain PERFECT type...3/12
Those professors get a birds eye view of a TON of potential assets cuz all that’s coming through those indoctrination mills are people who are already EAGER to bring down America cuz they’ve “learned” to hate us even MORE than the CCP! All that’s left is to identify greed!...4/12
If the CCP identifies an America-hating leftist whose lust for unbridled power and greed is only surpassed by his homeliness-induced inability to land a SUPER hot woman, THAT’S what they call pay dirt! (And is there ANYONE more analogous to dirt than Farty Pants Swalwell?)...5/12
After the CCP gets pointed to the right target, the rest is easy cuz:
a) they have unlimited wealth and
b) they have a TON of people in the American wheels of business, media and politics with whom they can call in favors that can’t be refused! NOTHING was left to chance!...6/12
Fang Fang wasn’t with Smellfoul to HOPE he would whisper secrets in his sleep! He was DELIBERATELY placed on the House Intel Committee AND the Space and Technology Committee (think satellites) cuz the CCP told Nancy and Schiff-face to put him there cuz HE was their asset!...7/12
Keep in mind that one of those committees (House Intel) is the MOST difficult to get on! EVERYBODY wants in cuz it’s SO prestigious! They don’t even meet in a chamber! They have to use a SCIF cuz the information divulged there isn’t privy to ANY other member of Congress!...8/12
Remember: A SOPHOMORE had NEVER before been selected for House Intel but SOMEHOW there was something SO special about Ereek Soilshimself that he was, not just placed on that committee, but allowed to STAY ON after Pelushi and Schiff-face were BOTH informed of the scandal!...9/12
My guess: Nanshy wasn’t “informed” of the scuttlebutt about The Reeker...CUZ SHE WAS ALREADY IN ON IT! What likely happened is that one of the FEW honest ones up there (someone who, oh I don’t know, JUST got his security clearance reinstated) was about to drop the hammer!...10/12
Somebody then cut wind, I mean GOT wind about the coming storm and they put in motion this kabuki coverup we’re witnessing now! Axios was TOLD what to write cuz it’s FAR better to be thought of as merely a dupe taken in by a honey pot than it is to be a treasonous traitor!..11/12
And one final note: Even though this has all been just an exercise in conjecture, I still expect to be suspended just for HINTING at something critical of the Chinese Communist Party! You see, it’s never been about the whims of @jack, this entire thing was ALWAYS run by the CCP!!
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