Part 3 of the Sugar daddy Bakugou/ cam boy college student Deku thread!

CW for: Bkdk, daddy kink, age gap, bdsm dynamics

It’s time for our boys to meet in person 😌😌😌
Part 2
As soon as Katsuki spots Bunny walking up the steps of the restaurant, he smiles.

He’s even cuter in person, somehow, in a nice forest green sweater and tight slacks. In fact, he’s so busy checking Bunny out that he hasn’t realized that the guy has spotted him,
And is now eyeing him curiously. “Bunny,” he says, giving a small nod of his head.

Bunny blinks, and then Katsuki watches as recognition passes over his features. Katsuki opens his arms a little, offering a hug while trying not to seem pushy. He doesn’t expect Bunny
To want to do anything besides what they came here for— to have dinner and chat a bit— but Bunny comes into his arms, wrapping his own around Katsuki’s middle. He looks up at Katsuki and smiles that bright smile of his before saying, “hi daddy,” in the flirtiest
Tone that Katsuki has ever heard.

It makes his chest flutter a bit. He replies, “Hi baby boy. You’re even prettier in person.”

Bunny pulls back from their hug a little, placing his hands on Katsuki’s biceps. “Me?? What about YOU, daddy.” His voice drops down
As he continues talking, almost like he’s not paying attention to what he’s saying, “You’re the hottest guy I’ve ever seen.”

Katsuki raises an eyebrow, amused. Bunny thinks he’s hot, huh? It’s not like he was worried. Katsuki knows what he looks like, but he can’t say
That he’s not relieved that their attraction goes both ways.

“Is that so?” He asks.

Bunny sputters, and his cheeks go this adorable shade of red. “D-don’t tease me! I was just trying to compliment you.” He pouts a little, and Katsuki has to resist the urge to kiss
It right off of his face.

‘God, Katsuki,’ he thinks. ‘Get it together. You two just met.’

“Well then thank you, baby. You’re being very sweet for me already,” Katsuki says, matching Bunny’s flirtatious tone.

His eyes grow a little wide at Katsuki’s words
And his blush deepens.

Fuck. He’s too perfect.

Katsuki pulls back and offers a bunny his arm to take. “So, are you ready to be spoiled, little bunny?”

Bunny gives him a smile. “I sure am.”

The two of them head into the restaurant, arm in arm.
“You know,” Bunny says after Katsuki’s ordered them both a drink. “I didn’t even know what to wear to a place like this. I had to ask my friend.” He whispers the words like it’s a secret he doesn’t want anyone else besides Katsuki to hear.

“You look amazing, so your
Friend did a very good job.” He takes a sip of his drink, continuing to watch Bunny over his glass. The looks Bunny is giving him, it’s like he’s begging for Katsuki to bend him over the table and fuck him right here.

Fuck, he wants to. He really does.
“I have never met one of my... uh, viewers before,” he offers.

This piques Katsuki’s interest, stroking that part inside him that wants to be special, that wants to take care of and spoil Bunny better than anyone else could or has before.

“Oh yeah? What makes me
So different?”

Bunny eyes him, licking over his plush pink lips that Katsuki thinks about biting every time he’s taken a sip of his drink. “You turn me on.”

Katsuki brings his glass back to his lips to hide the smirk that wants to appear on his face. “Look, um,”
Bunny starts. He runs a hand through his hair and huffs before he continues to speak. “I’m not normally this forward, but please say you’re willing to take me home after this?”

Katsuki almost chokes on his liquor. He was hoping for something like this, but wasnt
Necessarily expecting it so soon, or so blatantly. Not that he’s complaining. Katsuki can appreciate a man that isn’t afraid to go after what he wants.

“Oh I’d take you home right now if I could.”

“You absolutely can,” Bunny tells him. “We can leave right now, I don’t
Care.” He’s squirming a little, like he’s getting turned on.

Katsuki is immediately provided with the memory of watching Bunny squirm for him on camera.

Fuck, he wants him.

Leaving now sounds immensely appealing, but Katsuki needs Bunny to be exactly where he wants
Him when they leave. He wants to have Bunny sobbing for daddy by the end of the night, and to do that, he needs him a little bit desperate, a little needy and impatient.

Yeah, Katsuki would much rather play with him a little first.

“Hm. No,” he answers. And Bunny
Frowns. “Why not? I-is everything-“

Katsuki cuts him off, leaning over the table to close one of his hands over Bunny’s. “Don’t you want to be good for daddy, baby?”

Bunny’s breath immediately picks up. “Yes. Yes I do.”

Katsuki reaches up to Bunny’s cheek, running
His thumb gently over it, watching Bunny’s eyelashes flutter shut. “That’s my good boy. Everything’s fine, sweetheart. I just think that since daddy paid all this money to bring you here, we should stay and enjoy it? Don’t you?”

Bunny looks like he’s dipping
Into his submissive headspace already. Oh god, he’s absolutely perfect.

“Yes, daddy,” bunny answers. Sweet and obedient. He’s so damn good. He’s gonna kill Katsuki, he really is.

“I think so too. So if you want to have daddy later, you have to be a good boy and
Be patient now. Can you do that for me?”

Bunny nods. “Of course, Daddy. I want to be a good boy.”

“I know you do.” He pulls back and grins a little at how dazed and starry-eyes Bunny looks already. He picks up his menu. “Now, tell me baby, what should we get for dinner?”
Bunny shyly admits that he has no idea what to order, but Katsuki has the sneaking suspicion that he's just too far gone to want to have to make a choice for himself, which is more than fine with Katsuki. He orders them both some of the most expensive things on the menu
and he fills with pride as he watches Bunny take a bite and make an actual sensual moan at the taste of it.

"This is so good daddy!" His cheeks are the sweetest shade of red, dotted with his freckles like a strawberry.

"Would you like to try mine, baby?" Katsuki asks.
Bunny nods happily as he chews, and when he's through Katsuki picks up a piece for him. He leans over, placing his free hand on Bunny's chin to steady him. He watches with rapt attention as Bunny opens wide, extending his tongue just so to take in the bite of Katsuki's
food. Katsuki feeds it to him, and the way Bunny's eyelashes flutter as he tastes it is just obscene. Katsuki suddenly feels incredibly hot under his collar.

He returns back to his chair, and looks to Bunny, waiting for him to finish chewing his bite.
"Did you like that baby?" Katsuki asks.

"Yes, daddy," Bunny tells him, smiling a little. "It was so good. Everything about this night is so... so..." he breaks off to laugh. "I feel spoiled, I really do!"

"Good. That's exactly what I wanted. You deserve to indulge,
and I do as well."

Bunny likes that, and his smile wrinkles his nose a little. "I don't get much time to indulge, this is true."

The moment passes, shifts into something different, and Katsuki is suddenly overwhelmed with the desire to get to know the man in
front of him.

"So, you're in college? What are you studying?"

Bunny's face lights up. "I am! This is my last year of college, actually. I will be graduating with a degree in biology."
"Ah, that's quite a degree to have. Thinking of med school?"

"Oh god," Bunny laughs. I don't make nearly enough with cam work to do that. I have to uh, help my mom pay bills." He looks down when he says it, visibly embarrassed, and Katsuki wants to reach out
and touch him, so he does. "You're a kind person, huh Bunny?"

"Izuku," Bunny blurts. When Katsuki looks at him confused, he elaborates. "My name is Izuku."

"Izuku, then. Would you like me to call you that?"

He shrugs. "If you want. But I like bunny too, and baby,
well, anything you call me, actually."

"I have a few more names I'd like to try later," Katsuki tells him, voice pitching low.

"Oh, I *really* hope you do, daddy."

Exquisite. He's so lovely Katsuki almost wants to fucking hate it.
"So what do you do?" Izuku asks him after a beat.

"I'm an attorney. Own my own firm. I didn't like the way any of those old losers ran theirs, so I started my own. I'm rated one of the highest in the city."

"Whoa! That's so cool! That explains all the," Izuku waves his hand,
looking for the right word to say. "Extravagance," is what he settles upon.

Katsuki chuckles. "You could say that, yes. That's how I get to spoil you, baby."

"You know, I wasn't sure how I would feel about the whole spoiling thing, but I really, really love it."
"I'm glad to hear that," Katsuki tells him, reaching out to rub circles into Izuku's hand. They've just said a few things to each other, but already Katsuki wants to hold Izuku close, wants to provide for him, let him achieve his dreams.

But right now? He just really, really
wants to fuck him.

"Trust me, baby boy," Katsuki rasps, and he watches as Izuku's eyes grow dark and fill with lust at his mere tone. "We're just getting started. Why don't you finish eating? I think we're going to have a very long night."

Izuku bites at lip. "Yes daddy."
TBC (gonna eat dinner so brb)
The rest of the dinner goes smoothly. They talk a bit more, flirt a bit more and Katsuki's sure that Izuku's nice and ready to be his good boy when they go to leave.

Izuku agrees to go back to Katsuki's house, and it doesn't take them long to get there. He lives on
the outskirts of the city, in a house elevated on the side of a steep incline. It provides him with just enough privacy, and a gorgeous view of the city below.

What's even better, Katsuki decides, is watching Izuku take in the view from his large picture window
for the first time.

"Wow,' he says, his voice breathless. It makes Katsuki preen a little. "Your house is gorgeous."

"Yeah?" Katsuki asks, coming up behind him to place a hand on the small of his back. "You like it?"

Izuku spins around to look at him, biting his bottom
lip. "I do." He leans in close to Katsuki, and he can take a hint, damn. He puts both his arms around the smaller man and is rewarded with a tiny grin. "I like a lot of things about tonight."

"Let's keep that going then, shall we?" And without any more preamble,
Katsuki kisses him.

Their tongues immediately meet, no need for pleasantries or the pretense that anything they'll be doing is innocent or less than sexual. Izuku makes a luxurious moan into Katsuki's mouth that he can't help but follow. Katsuki can feel Izuku's need
in the way he kisses, in the way his hands tighten and relax in Katsuki's shirt, in the way his body positively melts in Katsuki's arms.

"Come on," Katsuki tells him, breaking them apart and grabbing Izuku by the arm. "I can't wait any longer to have you, baby boy."
help me decide... where do they fuck?
Katsuki stops them when they reach his living room, sighing and sitting down on the couch before pulling Izuku onto his lap.

Izuku quirks his head to the side like a puppy.

“We gotta talk before we do this, you know that.”

Izuku pouts, and Katsuki can’t help
Himself, he leans down and bites that plush lip sticking out so petulantly. “No,” Izuku says when he pulls away. “We gotta fuck.”

Katsuki growls a little, his fingers digging into Izuku’s ass. “Don’t be a brat. Daddy doesn’t like brats.”

Izuku keeps pouting,
But his mouth stays shut.

“Good. Now tell me what you like. Do you wanna keep this daddy shit goin?”

“Please.” He laughs a little. “I think it’d be easier to tell you what I don’t like.”

He noses under Izuku’s jaw. “Tell me then.”

“Don’t bind my feet and don’t
Blindfold me.”

“Mhm, anything else?” Izuku shrugs at that, so Katsuki removes his lips from his neck to ask, “Degredation?”

Izuku screws up his face to think about it. “Light.”


He shivers when he answers, rolling his hips down onto Katsuki’s, “*Yes*”
Katsuki wants to test him a little, so he asks, “You a slut?”

“Yeah, for you. Only for daddy,” comes Izuku’s answer and everything clicks into place. Ah, he wants to be owned. He wants to belong. “You wanna be daddy’s good boy?” He asks and Izuku nods so quickly that
Katsuki loses all of his patience. He picks Izuku up with hands under his thighs and carries Izuku with two hands under his thighs- carries him straight into his bedroom and lays him out on his black silk sheets.

Izuku’s hands are grabbing for him before he’s even
All of the way separated from him, but Katsuki doesn’t stray far. “Just getting some lube and a condom, baby.” And Katsuki practically sprints to the other side of his bed, to his bedside table. He plucks the necessary items out of it and when he looks back up
At Izuku, he’s already shed his pants and is rubbing over a pair of lacy black panties, staring at Katsuki like the neediest little prince in the world.

Oh god, Katsuki’s gone.

He dives over his bed (something that he’s sure his back will not forgive him for the
Next day and scrambles until he’s on top of Izuku. “What do you think you’re doing, touching yourself like that? I haven’t told you that you could.” Izuku’s eyes are wide and hungry.

“You were taking too long, Daddy,” he replies, sassy in a way Katsuki hadn’t expected
He growls, desire building deep within him. He’s fucking hard already, his cock straining against his jeans. “Brat,” he mumbles, and then finds that he doesn’t much want to do anything to punish him. Knowing that Izuku can give out just as much as Katsuki wants to give
Is turning him the fuck on.

He’s down Izuku’s body in an instant, shoving those panties down Izuku’s thick legs and diving in to take what he wants.

He’s going to keep spoiling his baby boy.

The second his mouth is on Izuku’s hole, he’s crying out, putting his
Hands into Katsuki’s hair as he takes the pleasure that Katsuki gives him. Katsuki licks around Izuku’s hole, tonguing his soft skin open. He holds Izuku’s thighs apart and eats him out like it’s his last fucking meal. Izuku’s absolutely falling apart under him,
His fingers tight in Katsuki’s hair, moaning in a way that lets Katsuki know that no, he was never faking when he moaned for Katsuki on stream. The sounds are the same, except for this time Katsuki gets to feel Izuku’s muscles twitch and jump under his hands, he gets
To DO that to him, be the one giving him pleasure instead of watching on the other side of a glass screen.

Yeah, it’s just as good as it sounds.

Katsuki slicks his fingers up before sliding two inside. Normally he’d start with one but he watched Izuku fuck himself
With a dildo that was bigger than his own cock the day before. He knows that he can take it.

Izuku wails, his hips moving back, squirming in that sexy way of his that he always does. Katsuki’s dick is harder than a damn diamond in his jeans. Fuck, it’s like he was made for
Katsuki specifically. He gets so lost in eating Izuku out that he doesn’t even catch that Izuku’s speaking, pleading for him. His ears catch “-Daddy!” And he hones in, attention stolen back from his task at hand. “Please daddy! I can’t take anymore. Need your cock now!”
“You getting close, sweetheart?” Katsuki asks, pulling off, and when he moves to look up at Izuku’s face he knows any edging he was going to do is officially rendered impossible. Izuku might need him, but HE needs to be inside Izuku like he needs fucking air. His face is tear
Stained and flushed, his lips puffy and bitten red and fuck, Katsuki can’t take this. “Fuck,” he swears, leaning down to capture Izuku’s mouth in a searing kiss as he strips off his pants. He doesn’t even want to bother taking off all of their clothes, too stuck in
Need to do anything besides what they’re doing now. Katsuki kisses Izuku when he gets a condom, fumbling blindly to open it. Izuku settles under him, and it’s then that Katsuki asks, “You ready baby boy?”

It just takes one word for Katsuki’s entire world to shatter
And turn on its axis. He knew this was coming, but he still isn’t prepared for just how much he wants, he needs.


“Gonna fuck you now, sweetheart. Gonna make you cry on my cock.”

“Oh- oh!” Izuku moans as Katsuki starts to slide inside +
he hisses as Katsuki's cock spears him apart and Katsuki swallows up all of his sweet little noises with his mouth, slowly pushing himself inside of Izuku's wet heat.

"Feel so good baby," he mumbles against Izuku's lips, and he just feels Izuku twitch and moan under
him. Izuku's definitely losing himself in this a little, and Katsuki doesn't mind. He'll be there to catch Izuku if he falls.

He focuses his kisses on Izuku's soft freckled cheeks, kissing away the tears there. "So perfect. You're perfect. Ready for me to move, angel?"
"Daddy," Izuku whines, hips moving against Katsuki's greedily. "Please?"

Katsuki gives his baby boy exactly what he wants.

He fucks Izuku in long, deep thrusts, and he's thinks of many things: Indulgence, luxury, the way Izuku's hands grip his silk sheets,
the way his breaths hitch and cry and his hips writhe under Katsuki in a way that Katsuki knows means he's close from his videos. "Going to take care of you, baby." He noses under Izuku's ear, biting and nipping at the skin there, careful not to leave any marks.
"You can cum for daddy whenever you need to. But don't touch, okay?" To this, Izuku gives a dazed nod.

He tilts Izuku's hips just so and listens to him scream as Katsuki very obviously nails his prostate again and again. His hands dig into Katsuki's shoulders, surely
leaving scratch marks down his back. He'll make his baby pay for that later, somehow, in some way. Right now, all he's focused on is making Izuku cum untouched again. He's done it before, and this was before Izuku had even seen his face.

"That's it, baby. Take daddy's cock
"Just like that, baby boy." Katsuki grunts as he slams home over and over again. He feels his own orgasm creeping up, and he knows that he's going to lose it as soon as he feels Izuku start to cum.

It happens just a moment later- Izuku screams, "Daddy!" and digs his
nails into Katsuki's shoulder blades so hard he gasps. Izuku digs his heels into the bed, wiggling his hips all around like the pleasure is too much to take. His dick pulses and cums, spilling all over his belly. He clenches up around Katsuki and yeah, he knew
he'd be done for but he didn't know it'd be like this.

It's possibly the loudest, most intense orgasm that Katsuki has ever had. He digs his face into the side of Izuku's neck and moans again and again as his hips stutter and shake and he spills into the condom.
He fills his baby boy up, just as he had been asked to.

After, the two of them collapse in a comfortable silence. Katsuki takes off his condom and throws it away and then grabs a warm towel from his bathroom to wipe them both up. Out of his peripheral vision
he spots his shower. He could bring Izuku to clean him off in there, press him up against the glass and eat him clean, but Katsuki thinks they're both a bit too far gone for that now.

Heh. Maybe another time.
He gets back to his bedroom and after cleaning Izuku off softly, wraps him up in his arms.

"Good?" He asks.

"Very," Izuku answers. His voice sounds like, floaty. He even laughs a little after he speaks. Katsuki's chest feels like it's full of cotton in a way it
hasn't in years.

"I loved that daddy. You're very good at spoiling me."

Katsuki leans down and kisses him on the side of his head, soft and sweet. "Good. I'll be sure to do it again real soon."

Izuku smiles.

-end of part 3
if you liked this, consider tipping me!! it makes me very happy and motivated to write more and also weep with joy and gratitude.
If there's interest for a part 4, I very well may continue this!! it's been SO much fun!! ♥️ 
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