Thread from an activist that teases out some of my own thoughts on this:
I'm not automatically sympathetic to arguments that if you're doing something in public, you're fair game - we can all think of exceptions to that
But I also have my doubts that emerging practices like blurring photos from protests will ever be broadly adopted. I could be wrong! Things do change
But journalistic norms also vary a lot - I know some editors who just won't run stories using anonymous sources, for example, ever. Others only offer anonymity under very specific conditions
But there will always be reporters who are happy to give sources whatever they want, and reporters who will resist *anything* that smells to them like sources trying to completely control the narrative
And sometimes folks in the latter camp lack or lose perspective and engage in truly pointless power struggles with sources
I just don't think a press corps consisting *solely* of folks in the former camp is beneficial longterm
Also, if you don't think reporters complain (or write stories about it!) when sources more powerful than protesters ice us out, I've got a bridge to sell you
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