I just came out of a meeting where there was a lot of lament about "declining numbers" in churches. Some thoughts.
"Declining numbers" is a byproduct of white supremacy. Instead of living into the Incarnation, "declining numbers" treats beloveds created in the many expressions of God's image as a mere commodity.
Older white people in this meeting were really grieving at a time where we were asked to talk about imagination and day dreaming. White supremacist capitalism robs us of our creativity and ability to dream more for ourselves & our communities.
Because of this grieving, there seriously needs to be a hospice chaplaincy for the mainline US churches. Some folks are just stuck in the valley of the shadow of death. There needs to be care for someone to sit with them there.
Someone said that whoever has the resources has the control, so they should determine how church "is."

Hell naw. I call BS.
White capitalist supremacy has been occupying the altar at so many US churches. We need to call idolatry what it is.
I'm tired. Thank you, friends, who saw my cry, who sent GIFs, and to the one who actually sent me funds to get donuts.
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