[2] In order for his low-grade financial advice to be truly successful though, he had to market it as attainable for everyone - the ultimate lie. “Financial peace” is not accessible for everyone in our system. In fact, in order for the system to hold, the poor have to believe ...
... it’s their fault they are poor. This is the ultimate heresy of Ramsey’s beliefs, that often tried to hide its insidiousness, though it would always come out. Under Ramsey’s system, if you’re poor, it’s because you were lazy. Like the disciples in John’s gospel asking about...
...the blind man, “Who sinned?” is the question we are conditioned to ask when we see poverty or vulnerability. Go back and read that story and see that the only people Jesus calls sinners in that story is the leaders, the upholders of the religious and economic order. [4]
[5] I hope this blight on his reputation sticks, but it will still be a long time before we unlearn our association between wealth and morality/deservedness. But the gospel demands we do.

(Excellent piece by @elena_trueba.)
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