damn... really put in a lot of work this year
moved into my first apartment, had 6 major placements on the biggest releases this year alone, got my 6th platinum and gold plaque, started a 6 figure business with a projection of 7 figures next year and i’m still completely independent..
i was quiet for two years and focused on myself... had to put in work on the low
had to remain positive through it all.... been through so much in the music biz over the years that i never really like to talk about it... but at this point in my life i'm grateful because all the low points helped motivate the highs
when i was 16-17 i pretty much sold my soul away haha was in one of the worst deals you could imagine and i didn't get free until i was like 19-20... a year later I changed my producer name and the rest is history
had my beats stolen too many times to count... all on major releases and really huge records... even then i never really let it tear me down... just kept it pushing haha
sometimes the things that bring us down in life can ironically propel us forward... to greatness... it's all how you react
taking a step back can mean everything in the long run which is why you should never been afraid of starting over because to me that's the fun part..
kind of like a painter or an artist when they start on a new blank canvas... it's an opportunity to create your world all over again but this time you know how to navigate just a little better than before...
i promise you... i been told NO over a million times over... it didn't take me long to realize the only YES that honestly matters is your own...
it's never too late to be great... you can be and become whoever you want to be.. i promise... you just have to believe in yourself first and foremost...
with all that said, make sure you're at least creating, learning and setting goals everyday..no matter how big or small because that's key..
i'm done now.. sorry for the string of tweets haven't vented in a while... thanks for coming to my unsolicited ted talk.. i'm going back to work 😂
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