X-Men Apocalypse is hands down one of the best critiques of post modernism I’ve ever seen.
The villain who claims to be god wants to dismantle every power structure, system, etc created by men. It’s the fictional representation of what went down this summer and what critical race theory seeks to do — the end of which is total destruction.
He makes the same claims that critical race theorists make about white people. He doesn’t believe in the redeem-ability of human beings. And this as always is our fight: between those who believe that man is redeemable & those who do not. For the latter, all that exists is power.
This is why I built a firm that teaches you to look for the answers of how to heal our society by searching the annals of our pop culture. They contain much muck but they also contain great wisdom.
This is the lesson of so many major comic book hero films in the past decade, including Black Panther, and Wonder Woman.
And thus the forces and good and evil must battle it out. In the real world, of course, evil may win. But only for a time. The darkness always gives rise to the light. “The sun also rises.”
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