The fascists just shot someone. They’re conscious but really hurt.
Another shot was just fired. I was inches away from the person shot I need to check footage kn s things are calm downto see who did it
And Olympia.
The fascists are gone for the most part and the police didn’t do shit. Our friend is shot.
Ambulance never came he was evac by street medics. Police are now shooting at US with munitions. People were just recovering from the shooting.
The police won’t stop following us. They keep closing us in on all sides unloading a shit ton of munitions and CS gas when we’re trapped and then doing it again. everyone is still recovering I have no words for this
Medics told me my friend will be alright. He is a Black man who was shot by fascists protecting other people from getting shot and hurt. Fuck everyone who criticized people coming down to support them.
And now I will be off twitter for a bit because I’m not ok yalla bye.
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