This will not be published online until Monday, but I wanted to post it here for those who would like to read it before then.

Thank you so much @tomblackwellNP and @nationalpost for your balanced, critical & respectful coverage.

"I Feel Angry" - Eva, founder of Detrans Canada
If you would like to buy your own copy, drop by your local Shoppers or Newstand today!

If you appreciate their coverage of this topic, feel free to contact @nationalpost and editor in chief @itsrobroberts to let them know.
'Inside Canada's Teen Transgender Treatment Boom'
by @tomblackwellNP of the @nationalpost

#TransHealth #TransKids #TransTeens #DetransVisibility #DetransCanada
"Sadie... said the BC Children's Hospital offered her a testosterone prescription when she was just 17, after just two hour-long sessions with a psychologist"
"Even I was thinking it was too fast, and I wanted it," Sadie said. "I remember one (therapist), I talked about my anxiety, depression and she said, 'Oh yeah, that will go away once you go on T.' And I thought, 'Oh not helpful, but thank you, I guess.'"
"A pro. at a MH clinic for youth in Western 🇨🇦, trans himself, said he tries to approach gender dysphoria clients in a balanced way, explaining both risks & benefits of medical transition. But he's been harshly criticized by superiors, accused of not caring about patients"
"I don't feel good about transitioning someone and giving someone permanent changes to their body when they're actually a gay woman - that doesn't feel like ethical practice."
- a trans man mental health professional in Canada
"But all these fears about conversion therapy, or the narrative of never questioning anyone's identity, has made it impossible for us to talk about this... We've created a very dangerous situation for kids."
- a trans man mental health professional in Canada
"What's happening in Canada is an uncontrolled medical experiment on children without any independent oversight or requirements to track health outcomes," said @PamelaNBuffone who runs @GenderReportCA...
"We're going into this totally blind"
"But rather than pause and reassess current approaches, legislation now being considered by Parliament could further entrench the affirmation model."
" #BillC6 outlaws "conversion therapy" treatments designed to correct someone's sexual orientation or gender identity, but critics worry that it could effectively criminalize non-medical options like psychotherapy, for treating gender dysphoria."
"In Ontario, provincial health insurance approved 1,460 people for gender-reassignment surgery in 2018, up from 59 in 2010... It's unclear how many of those were minors"
"Chris said staff at the transgender clinic at Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children recommended after the second of two relatively brief sessions that his child start puberty blockers."
" @JamesCantorPhD has a provocative theory to explain the sudden flood of girls IDing as trans boys in adolescents... He believes those girls are being misdiagnosed... He suspects many are suffering from BPD, a condition marked in part by confused self ID & suicidal thoughts"
"As a clinician-scientist, one should be curious," said @ZUCKERKJ who headed the CAMH gender clinic until 2015. "We're seeing a whole group of kinds we never saw before. What is this about?... Anybody who sees adolescents with gender dysphoria needs to think about it."
"If you make a mistake about being gay, there's no harm, no foul, really in the end," Mary said. "But if you think you're transgender at 15 and have a mastectomy, and then at 25 you go, 'Oh, my god, what did I do?' - that's why parents are terrified."
"They thought it was so important for me to be on T that it was ok if I left home & probably didn't graduate high school. Even at that point in my life, when I was 16 and totally believed this was the only thing that was going to save me, I was more rational about it." -Eva
"I feel angry, b/c other people who've been in this position went further than me. I have lesbian friends who have no uterus, ovaries or breasts & are 21yo. I'm angry that every single doctor and therapist we saw told us this was the one & only option" Eva, founder of Detrans Cnd
"You have teenage girls who have issues with their bodies, issues socially with growing up, they have issues about their sexuality," she said. "It's no surprise that they have been given this fix, and that they want the fix."
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