For people who might not be familiar with TERF tactics, I'd like to explain exactly what Gabbard is doing here. Firstly, this isn't about sports. The reason she chose sports is probably because currently, a lot of people in the US who are generally supportive of trans...
people are still willing to discriminate against us when it comes to sports. However, Gabbard then does this bait and switch where she never mentions trans people, and just endlessly talks about "upholding the original intent of Title IX"...
Why does she care so much about the original intent of Title IX? Because pretty much every single legal battle over trans rights in recent years has been about the original interpretation of Title IX. That's why this isn't just about sports. Bathroom bills, school, employment,
and healthcare discrimination... all of it currently rests on interpretation of Title IX. Gabbard knows this. She's lying about her intentions to make it seem like this is about sports, when in reality this is a deliberate attack on trans rights as a whole.
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