body positivity movement isn’t centered around skinny people stop trying to center yourself. it isn’t for skinny people period.
yeah we can be insecure about our bodies but that MOVEMENT wasn’t made for OR by us. plus sized girls and people in general made it for themselves to uplift THEMSELVES. you know your body type is accepted please stop. it is for them! simple!
all these movements created for marginalized people get watered down ....? “fat bodies are beautiful” to “all bodies are beautiful” i mean we know that but cmon now Lol.
this remind me of the natural hair movement. my eye twitching all over again 👎🏾
*yes i redid all this n turned the replies off i don’t want no commentary*
since some y’all clearly ain’t reading, LISTEN:
i feel like a lot of you are confusing self acceptance with the body positive movement. accept your skinny body and the flaws you have, but don’t call it body positivity. that movement was created with a purpose to uplift fat bodies. you are skinny. your skinny body is accepted.
does that mean you can’t be insecure about your body? no. but stop including yourself in a movement meant to uplift fat bodies. it is a MOVEMENT. fat black women created it and as always it gets watered down to try and include everybody. stop this.
instead call loving your skinny body self acceptance cause that’s what it is. much love 😘♥️
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