Nearly 2 years ago, a group of trans activists, local to me, sent a load of complaints to my employer - Cardiff & Vale College. I was eventually sacked & as a new teacher, on probation, I was automatically referred to my professional body for a fitness to practice hearing.

My apparent crime? I laughed at a TW's eyebrows.

Screenshots were taken and doctored to align my 'offending' comment with another comment to make it look like I was inciting harassment, which I wasn't.

Nevertheless, my workplace ignored that & investigated me anyway.

Eventually, despite appeals and protestations, I 'failed' my probation.

What really hurt, was how I was marked down on other performance areas on my probation review, despite any evidence to prove it. Thankfully my professional body threw that charge out as a result.

Throughout this time, I had involved my union - Universities & Colleges Union (UCU). For the best part of the whole process, they were helpful & co-operative, until, just prior to the hearing, someone sent some screenshots of comments I had made in a small, private group.

The group was a place where I was sharing concerns about learners, in particular SEN & autistic learners, who were at risk in the push for transgender rights etc

At this point, I realised, my being targeted was more about my views than a solitary comment about eyebrows.

The screenshots were sent to damage my case before my professional body and it almost worked. My union pulled out at the last minute, leaving me to face the panel on my own.

I defended myself to the best of my ability & effectively came away with a reprimand.

However, the hearing was the culmination of 18 months of hell for my family & me. And for what? For an off the cuff comment, not directly made, which was then doctored to make it look worse.

To say this has left a bitter taste in my mouth is an understatement.

So, this is my coming out. I am tired of hiding. Tired of being careful and being policed.

I don't feel I have anything to be ashamed of. My pinned tweet explains my feelings on this subject and I will continue to raise my objections and concerns.

My name is Christian Wilton-King. I am a gender critical man and I have nothing to be ashamed of.

My hope is that more people will feel able to step forward and speak up about the medicating and experimenting on children's bodies with blockers and hormone treatments.

I stand with Keira Bell
I stand with Sonia Appleby
I stand with Kate Scottow
I stand with David Bell
I stand with Marcus & Sue Evans
I stand with all those who have been attacked by transgender activists & had their livelihoods damaged.

I stand firm.

10 - end
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