10 Notes on Mushrooms

A look into the mysterious world of fungi.
Taken from "Fantastic Fungi" a film by @LouieFilms

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1. Fungi are the grand molecular decomposers of Nature. Anything hydro-carbon based fungi can break down. Even oil. They can help us fight pollution.
2. They are not vegetable. They are not animals. They are something in between and have their own kingdom.
3. People fear mushrooms because they associate them with death. Mushrooms are also present in the beginning of life.
4. There are 1.5 million species of fungi. People are still discovering new ones.
5. The bulk of fungi grows underground. It can live forever as long as there is food. This network is called mycelium.
6. Mycelium is magical. It follows the same design as the Internet. It connects everything.
7. Mycelium connects trees. Research indicates that plants can communicate with each other. Trees can share nutrients with each other. Mother trees protect offspring.
8. 650 million years ago animals broke off from fungi. Mycelium is the mother of us all.
9. Fungi reproduces with spores. If you breathe in you've inhaled spores. They are everywhere.
10. Mushrooms can help us achieve altered states of conciousness. We are still learning how they can help us treat depression and anxiety.
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