The 2020 Digimon adventure reboot is the only good reboot to happen this year and you cannot convince me otherwise
Do I cry every time the opening and ending play? I sure do!
It’s really something to meet the most iconic ensemble of my childhood one more time and go on a journey with them, even though this time it’s a bit different
It’s interesting how the theme is innocent exploration is completely left out of this one, it starts much more urgently and the pace is MUCH faster
The kids also don’t know each other aside from Tai, Izzy, and Matt. It’s been interesting to watch them all grow together! This I think is also more focused on the core 6, excluding TK and Kari (Kari obviously, but TK was a surprise)
i will never not be fucked up by matt and mimi's stories personally. matt, who seems to act selfishly but as the holder of the crest of friendship he generally is looking out for the group. mimi, though not powerful, is incredibly charismatic (not exactly, but i continue)
the japanese translation for her crest is innocence or purity, and i think that's a better summation of her innate characteristic. she reaches out to everyone with kindness (summarized most sharply in psi ep 12) and she just has the biggest heart
she and sora are two sides of the same coin in that matter. mimi's flaw of course is that sometimes she gets way too self-centered and stops caring about others (exemplified in the original adventure series, as well as a bit in tri)
but back to matt, he doesn't want to let people down. he wants to protect his friends, but his major flaw is that he's willing to let some fall by the wayside if it's too much risk. tho it can be strategic, it can also cause major insecurity
insecurity is shown the most in adventure 01 after his encounter with cherrymon, leading him to go off on his onw. interestingly enough in tri, he's the one with the strongest convictions in the group and it almost never wavers throughout tri's entirety
the first tri arc is all about tai growing up and losing his resolve, whereas matt (his eternal foil) is absolutely steadfast the entire time. matt knows what needs to get done, and he realizes that there's going to be sacrifice and he's made his peace with it offscreen
matt literally has no character growth throughout the rest of tri and it's very interesting considering he and tai are generally the "main" characters all throughout the OG digimon series. meanwhile, the rest of the gang encounters some sort of hardship
but anyway in psi, matt is even more isolated from the rest of the kids. the intro is much different, while he and TK are living separately matt lives somewhere in the country and TK is living in tokyo. there's still the characteristic of him being protective older bro
but he's WAY more aloof in this one. i think it showcases just how lonely he is (this is also shown very very well in the ending theme). i've only just finished ep 12 but i think this version of young matt is very interesting in terms of seeing where he'll go
i think once TK is actually added to the cast we'll see a lot more development, but it's just like. we see snippets of matt's heart and his love for this ragtag group of kids he's now a part of and it makes me squishy
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