GOLDEN AGE vs Communism

I didn’t realize how many folks would freak out and call me a communist/socialist when I talked about the principles of NESARA/GESARA without mentioning those. Many Trump supporters even accuse it of being the same as NWO.

Here’s the thread to explain.
1) Please first look up NESARA/GESARA if you haven’t before.

Trump has signed this into effect already and it is being implemented globally as we speak.

If you voted for him, might be useful to familiarize yourself with his real economic plan :).
2) My parents grew up under Communism. They know more than anyone in the West how wicked it was. Not a day goes by when they won’t talk about it.

Oh and Melania is the same. You think she’d marry a closet Communist?

Rumor: Her grandma was Anastasia Romanov.
3) Let’s get a few basics straight first. We should all know how the [Cabal] operates by now.

They create the problem and then pretend to create the solution.

They created Blockbuster and then created Netflix to ‘disrupt’ it. Whichever side you choose, they own it.
3b) They fund both sides in every war to make $$.

They create humanitarian crisis, then create UN to “resolve” them.

Create viruses and then force us to take vaccines.

They own major politicians in every party (just look at this election).
3c) ...the list goes on.

So nobody is talking about this, but people should know, that they created BOTH capitalism and communism.

Side note: look up James Rink YT presentation on the SSP (Secret Space Program). Hint: we were never enemies with Soviets.
4) Going full on spiritual disclosure here.

Humans are the same! No black, white, nationalities, races, etc. Our DNA is so powerful, and hence why [they] have sought to repress and distract us since the beginning.

Our true state is happy, loving, and connecting with Source.
4) BOTH Communism and Capitalism without connection to Source make people miserable.

No you might say. I love capitalism. I love competition. I make my paycheck and I’m proud of it.

But what if you get sick? What if you make a mistake at work? We are trained to believe...
...some are just better than others and deserve more. If something unlucky or bad happens to you and you lose the ability to work or earn money, tough luck. Suck it up. Don’t make it hard for the rest. They don’t owe you sh*t and keep your issues to yourself.
5) I call that the Scarcity Mindset. Most Americans have it. I did for most of my life too.

I used to think: I got in the line before you so I got the last TV. I’m just quicker.

Only 1 person can get a promotion and I threw you under the bus cause only 1 can win. Too bad.
5b) Everyone who has the Scarcity Mindset assumes one common trait: things are limited. Zero sum game.

If you win I can’t win. Or even if we could both win, then someone out there can’t also win.

This makes us fight and we glorify it as competition. It’s great when I win...
5c)...and when I keep winning I’ll keep buying into this system.

But if I ever lose, it sucks. And then I either cry foul or fight back harder to push others down or I have to suck it up to bad luck and beat myself up for messing up.

That’s capitalism baby.
5d) On the subject of wealth, the 1% own everything but that’s cause they “work harder,” “know how to utilize opportunities better,” and “are just smarter” than everyone else.

Until you find out, most were born into this club called the [Cabal].

6) Here’s where it gets interesting: when pointing out the flaws of capitalism, most will say: YES BUT it’s better than the alternative, which is Communism!

I’ll take the lesser of two evils. Yes I might still be miserable, but I’ll make do with it.

6b) Now go research the Illuminat1.

The Rothschilds are worth 500 trillion!!! Enough to provide basics for EVERYONE on Earth for many generations!! Why do we need to fight each other???

Look at recent Juan O Savin tweet. Quadrillions taken from Vatican.

What national debt??
7) Now onto Communism.

I have a theory that it was used as a “fall guy” for Capitalism. Also, they took the GESARA concept (which they knew about eons ago), and removed some key ingredients for success, and “repackaged” it as Communism.

When it failed, they said look...
7b) failed! So Capitalism is the ONLY way!

I have to admit, it’s clever.

Now let me explain what ingredients they removed.

No. 1 I just discussed. Lack of abundance. Class conflict and overthrow of elites only created new elites.
7c)...real wealth was STILL concentrated in the hands of [Cabal].

So [they] had 95-99% and gave 1-5% to everyone else and it was “equally” distributed. Everyone starved. People turned on each other. Life was miserable AF.

And they said, you wanted equality and got it. Tough.
7d) The other MAJOR ingredient they removed was spirituality, and our connection to Source.

Communism destroyed all traditional beliefs. Atheism became the norm.

Now I pause here to consider this scenario, which is what got me in trouble in another thread:
8) What if we got rid of Scarcity. Now we are looking at Trump taking [Cabal] wealth. We can literally give everyone TONS of $$ instantly.

I advocated against that. I recommended a slow rollout of funds.

This is like Communism without Scarcity, but also without Spirituality.
8b) Sorry but it still wouldn’t work. Even if the real wealth was distributed equally to everyone, without Spirituality and connection to Source, people can be irresponsible.

Ever heard of the resource curse?

Look at Nigeria, PNG, China. They worship $$.
8c) People will rush to buy the fanciest new things. Designer everything, land, airplanes, etc.

That’s not even the worst. What if they spent $ on p0rn, bribery, hiring killers?

I was skewered for saying this. That I assumed the worst of people.
8d) To be clear: some will be responsible and giving. That might be you. I’m not doubting you if that’s you.

But if you are already a Lightworker or very connected spiritually, you won’t need me to tell you this.

But I’ll explain it cause I just learned recently too.
9) Like in Star Wars, and LOTR, and GOT, there are humans and nonhuman beings. Some are of the Light, some are of the Dark.

Anyone of the Light can be corrupted, and the Dark can also be turned to Light.

Lightworkers are being attacked daily. It is often not physical.
9b) Most attacks on them are Energetic or Psychic attacks. They target the Soul.

As a regular person going about daily business, how often do you think about this?

Now you say I have pure intentions, give me all my GESARA $$ and I’ll go save the world.

9c) Are you really ready? Even if you think you can’t be corrupted, don’t you still need better discernment skills? I know I do 🙋🏻‍♀️.

Do you know how to protect yourself energetically?

What does that even mean???
10) Here’s a pretend scenario.

You get $$ released to you and establish yourself as a humanitarian in a country that hasn’t had its funds released. You’re revered in the local community.

One day you come across a starving, sick child on side of road.
10b) It is actually a trap. A demon has eaten the soul of the child and used its body as a physical vessel. Pretty common actually.

Let’s say you don’t get a good feeling about this and refuse the child’s cry for help.

Next thing you know, a crowd shows up.
10c) You also don’t know that mixed in the crowd are two other demons in human bodies. They lead the verbal attacks on you and soon crowd joins in.

It goes downhill from there. Rage might consume them. They burn your house. Kill your dog. Your reputation is destroyed.
10d) You can use your imagination here and yes, it could be 10x worse than what I described.

Oh but you had such pure intentions!! 💔 You’ve done nothing wrong! You have helped these people and now they turned on you! WHY!?!?
10e) Let’s rewind a bit here and look at another option.

You see the sick child and don’t even notice anything wrong. You take her into your house and care for her.

Then she slowly drains your energy, and that of your children. She eats your souls, and then your bodies.
10f) Conclusion: BOTH scenarios are terrible!!!

Wake up! This is what could happen when you go into a situation with pure intentions and nothing else!

Learn to connect with Source and form a team of other Lightworkers.
Learn self defense before taking on great responsibility.
11) Back to original topic. Please see through the veil created by the [Cabal]. They created both Communism and Capitalism to make you think you had choices.

It’s all a distraction to prevent you from connecting to Source.
11b) Connecting to Source means:

- Self healing without doctors or drugs
- Discernment on what’s truth and what’s not
- See past present and future, including your own past lives
- Manifesting your own destiny/reality and choosing the best timeline for yourself
11c) - interact and learn from other ETs from higher dimensions with super cool technology

...and much much more. That is the Golden Age!

Please read the REAL history of Earth. This is what Atlantis was like! You think they were Communists? Lol.
11d) When Earth was invaded by Reptilian Dracos and Atlantis fell, humanity fell into collective amnesia, except for a few pockets of knowledge that were passed down, like to Ancient Egyptians, Mayans, Native get it.

The Greek Gods were REAL.
11e) The 8 Chinese Immortals are REAL!

Osiris, Isis, Thoth...were REAL!

Humanity has forgotten, but through connecting with Source, you will begin to remember again.

Source is nothing but pure LOVE.
12) And now you know why [they] targeted and wiped out the Native populations in the Americas. Land was just a secondary prize. They wanted to wipe out that tradition of connecting to Source.

Now you know why they want you to be starving under Communism,
12b) and working with every last breath like slaves under Capitalism. They are scared of your powers, that you may be able to connect to Source and wake up again, and take back this Planet.
13) There is still SO MUCH more to this story and to history that I don’t know or don’t know enough to give it justice.

I tried to give you the big picture.

Please do your own research.

Michelle Fielding on YT said entire Earth Ascension is targeted for 2032.
13b) Why? Because there is a process. This doesn’t happen overnight. I’ve been on this journey less than a month!

So please don’t expect instant $$ or gratification. Support Trump but don’t wait for him or anyone to save you.

You have the power to do that yourself 💓
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