I love this piece. It’s says everything I have always felt. But I just wanted to quickly address a couple of things our favourite celebrity authors said. Thread.... Yes, it is the hill I want to die on. https://twitter.com/guardianbooks/status/1337684752292200448
First Baddiel: “And we have all proved ourselves beyond one book. A name can make a big splash and get a big marketing drive, ... But to build a large audience over many books, is, I think, different and not reliant on that publicity in the end.” Hmmm. OK. So...
I’ve won the Carnegie Medal, YA Book Prize, Clippa prize, the CBI book of the year, Books are My Bag, and many more. I’ve been shortlisted for (and won) international prizes multiple times, PLUS was the @LaureatenanOg yet... Baddiel’s success is cos of his stories not publicity?
Higson: “But there’s a misconception among some struggling authors out there that if only Walliams’s books weren’t filling the shelves, their own books would. Tesco sells the books that people buy. It’s not their job to create new authors.” *laughs forever at the arrogance*
Remember Sunny Delight? It was complete garbage. Yet people bought it because IT WAS ON THE SHELVES despite the despair of dentists and health experts. Apparently it sold more than Coke did when it launched. Why? Because there’s this weird thing called ADVERTISING that works 🤔
Also Higson: “If you got into this game to make money, you’re an idiot. Not every writer can be a bestseller.”
I don’t expect to be a best seller but I guarantee that if a celebrity made the same money most of us do for writing a book they’d get themselves a perfume deal instead. Also, it’s a JOB so yes we do expect to make money. Probably the most gross statement in the whole piece.
Finally, Walliams didn’t comment (was he asked? I suspect he was), which says what about him? Well, the thing is, Walliams doesn’t partake in our discussions, come to our launches, support any of us. Does he support you? If so, let me know. You’ll be the first I’ve heard of.
This industry is being eaten alive by a person who has zero interest in the industry apart from the pay check. He has a sketchy work history (which we remember and for which he hasn’t said sorry) in terms of how he represents people of colour, the LGBTQ+ community and women.
We all stay quiet. Why? Because as @jonesgarethp said: “The people offering the celebrities the big wads of cash are the exact same people we hope will maybe spend a bit of money on us” 👍👍👍👍👍👍🥇
People working in publishing need to stop pretending. Stop lying. Stop advocating for diversity whilst promoting white, male celebrities over every other writer.
In summation, thank you @siancain for this nuanced and wonderful piece of journalism.

I pledge to continue to buy, champion and in any other way I can support my fellow authors, especially those without a history in mainstream TV.
Typos. So many typos. Sorry. I’ve had a Snickers. Hiccup. Xxxxxxxx ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I forgot to add that many of the illustrations in these sleb books are utterly wonderful, and to my friends who work with these writers, I applaud your work wholeheartedly xxxxx
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