A year on from the GE2019 & I still feel as if I haven't processed the grief of what was lost (this isn't helped by all the smug rw bstards who helped us lose, tweeting their BS today 😡) Far too few people understood the real risks of allowing Johnson's Conservatives to win 1/14
We live in a one party state in everything but name now, with an official opposition which has actively contributed to the UK's atrocious mishandling of the pandemic. I still swing from moments of sadness, at the way the left & Corbyn have been treated over this last 5 years 2/14
and the despair of what not winning last December 12th has meant to so many millions of people, whose hope was snatched away from them overnight! 3/14
Anger at those who lied & conspired to prevent a socialist government; a compliant media who spread fear & mistruths, who abrogated their duty to protect democracy, for ratings; becoming little more than stenographers, for the neo-fascists who now occupy NO10. 4/14
I'm not sure how to move on. It's made all the more difficult because I know that the entire might of the establishment did everything it could to stop any change, even if that meant destroying what little democracy we had left. 5/14
I don't want to acknowledge it, but we're in trouble. I hope my worst fears aren't realised, but, an alarming number of people seem oblivious to the mess we're in; too busy being distracted by manufactured culture wars, to realise the only real battle is between us & the 1% 6/14
That isn't to diminish any of those fights, but ultimately, unless we defeat the power of the oligarchy, none of those battles are winnable. Our strength is our numbers, there are enough of us to defeat any amount of money, but only if we act in solidarity with one another. 7/14
I don't know how we regroup. It's hard to accept the loss when it feels like the other side cheated, but we have to move on. I think the biggest struggle over the coming years, will be for the left to not keep repeating the same mistakes. 8/14
It's no secret I think we'd be better off cutting our losses and creating something new; leave the rotting corpse of Labour to those who fought so hard over the last 5 years to destroy it! 9/14
I know many disagree & feel that Labour should be a socialist party, because that's how it started, but the reality is it isn't anymore. 5 yrs of socialists being in charge wasn't able to undo the previous 30 yrs of neoliberal destruction of the mechanisms of the LP. 10/14
It could take another 30 yrs before either side is declared the ultimate winner; by then most voters will have made their choice by no longer voting Labour(divided parties don't win,) which may explain why Labour's only managed to be in gov for 30 of the last 100 years🤔11/14
Our strength is our numbers, whichever path we choose, we must travel it together(even if the vehicles are different. ) Our battle isn't between ourselves, our battle is to save the planet & create a sustainably better world for the many. 12/14
The fight ahead will be tough, but thanks to the baptism of fire we've been through, we've been forged into the strongest position we've been in for over 50 years; only Socialism has the ideas to deal with the 21st century's problem's, so now, onwards to win the war ✊🏼13/14
Apologies for turning this thread into an essay. If you're still here, I love you comrades 🤗x 14/14
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