In all the years I worked in GOP politics, from local races to the White House it never occurred to me that it was even remotely possible that there were people sitting in rooms with me that would one day be in favor of overturning a Presidential election and making the loser
America’s first dictator. I have warned about this danger for many years, yet I remain flabbergasted by this moment. We now know who has crossed the rubicon. We cannot unlearn who those people are. This is a photo of the American Cemetary in Normandy. Each grave faces
West, towards home. The home they never got to go back to. They died so we could live in freedom. They were mostly young men with their whole lives ahead of them. What would they say about this? Don’t let anyone tell you for a second that signing an Amicus brief is no big
Deal. It is a monumental event. It is a declaration of repudiation. A repudiation of American democracy and our birthright to pick our leaders. They are attempting to impose the fired President on the people who fired him. We have never seen anything like it and that is
disorienting. Yet, we do know what to call this. Don’t we? What would we call this in Germany or France? Trump has let the demons loose. We will be fighting them for decades. There is no certainty about what side will win. Should ours lose let there be no lack of certainty
About what will be lost. America will be lost and all the assembled generations of Americans watching from heaven will weep. The light of American liberty will have been extinguished.
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