the amount of people who really think that it’s justifiable for a politician to not do everything in their power—even if it unorthodox—to achieve the material demands of the people they claim to serve, because they could *possibly* be ousted from power, is wild.
it’s like so you agree all politicians are opportunists/careerists who value their political standing/[re]electability over the lives and well-being of their constituents? and electoralism is a dead-end, if doing something materially for working people will get you ousted?
the amount of responses i receive that are unabashedly just like “if xyz does [insert vaguely radical idea/approach to achieving said idea] in the way that could actually be effective, then they’ll be [insert consequence here].”

and like... is that not reason for us to divest?
we let these “well-meaning” politicians get away w/playing the “long game”—despite how electoral politics are *alleged* to address short-term material demands—and next thing we know they are in-office for 30+ years & nothing is ever achieved but empty promises & delayed progress
if something as simple and non-violent as withholding your vote for a representative—who has categorically impeded progress and failed millions of people—is out of the question. what really is the point of you being in-office? (ik, to provide the facade of internal opposition).
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