1| @wieldorg #FragmentedLanguageWorkshop2020

Let's Come Back Together: Reversing Fragmentation, Reclaiming Space+Time for Our Languages

=observ'ns+quest'ns from 20+ years of collaborations in (under-resourced) lg reclamation

→all this, to start a conversation!
→so chat away!
2| Less SavingTheLanguage, more Rebuilding(Strengthening)TheCommunityOf Speakers:
→Whole approach based on _Relations_

=Radical focus on Access(ibility):

=SIMPLE activities to ReclaimSpace+Time for ppl to use lg Together, Daily

→esp. Outside classes =ReclaimHomesPublicSpaces
3| Don'tNeedMuchToStart—just 3 simple key ConversationModels:
=for almost any comm'ty to start ReclaimingRelations to (+ Space+Time for) their lg:

→Let's EAT!=food, want, like, need
→Let's GO!=moving, location, putting/taking
→Let's TALK!=feel/think, say; know, remember
4| Relations to Each Other as spkrs:
Problem: anxiety/shame abt not being good enough
Solve: sharing our lg anxiety w/Group

→finding that YouAreNotAlone

→learners agree to _always_ have each other's backs
→You are enough, bc We are enough

→now LET'S eat!
5| TeachItForward:
=learn lg to _immediately_ TeachFwd to friends/family

→less TeachersTimeBottleneck
→motiv'n to keep trying =help not just yourself, but also others
→most learning now Outside: in small everyday-life moments

→builds Resilience
6| Relations to Sounds/Signs:
→not as individ'l isolated pronunciation targets; instead

→as living Contrasts =S'nds/S'ns learned in Relation to each other
→as Combinations =transitions from one to next

→as a Dance, not letters on a page
(a flow: we can teach you the steps)
7| Relations to Lg Patterns ("grammar"):
→focus on _Meaning_
→not Forms+Charts

→just Contrast/Relate 2 simple Meanings: You+Me:

DoYou? -IDo
DidYou? -IDid
YouGiveMeIt? -IGiveYouIt

=core/essential lg patterns...in just a few brief lessonlets!
8| Relations to Vocab:
=Vocab AS a Relation
=learn vocab as PairedPhrases, not solo words:


→in a PairedPhrase, if you forget one Meaning, the other will remind you
→same for any "matching" Relation btw words: just learn the words Together
9| Relations to Usage:
Hard to build phrases ourselves from scratch: full of Englishness, etc.

One way: SayWhatTheySay

=first just UNDERSTAND—bit-by-bit—WhatSpeakersSay (or wrote)

=then just try to TalkLikeThem
=just use their exact phrasings—but can SwapInVocab
10| Respect for real human Relations to lg means asking:

- Who's still left out?
- What tools/norms (writing, digi-tech) get centered w/o question, at what costs, to who?

- How to cultivate comm'ty-based lg research capacity?
- How to maintain humor+heart in this hard process?
11| While we should never stop demanding
the full support the lgs deserve,

in the working meantime
a lot can be done with a little

mainly by bringing people Together
to see just how much we already can breathe back
into these ways of being Together
12| Let's weave up solidarity and mutual aid,
take every chance to work w/each other at every level,
to challenge scarcity/fragmentation Together:

in this work,

individuals are not alone
communities are not alone

→Language is, so fundamentally, about not being alone
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