A colleague of mine, a Black male social worker was racially profiled by a white ESL instructor @tdsb. This woman watch him get out of his car and tried to block him from entering the building. This white woman decided it was her place to question who he was. 1/
This white teacher @tdsb made it her duty to dismiss this Black man and racially profile him even after she got confirmation by another colleague that he was, in fact and employee and assigned to that particular school site /2
The white ESL teacher deployed white violence against them by acting as if she was in danger when they followed her back to her classroom; after repeatedly asking for her name to file a complaint. She uttered the words "Help" to her colleagues and weaponized racial anxiety./3
While I"m happy that my colleagues are getting the support via @tdsb human rights office and our principals, this whole incidents continue to highlight how white women, once again use themselves as instruments of terror particularly against Black men. /4
With all the talk of antiracism efforts, amended policies, PD trainings and resources floating around at Boards there are still these racial assaults on Black staff. /5
We simply can't have anti-racism efforts that are watered down by “listening” / “learning ” or treat justice as though it can be acquired through the awakening of white people’s hearts and minds.We need accountability when Black staff encounter antiBlack racism in schools. /6
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