hi. id like to keep myself anon due to reasons on why i cant share this story on my main account. but this is my experience with @/frnkthepsych

this has taken a lot of courage and thought to bring up with screenshots for proof and others. please spread this and prevent victims.

i am not cancelling them. i am getting this off of my chest so i can finally live without having the worry that nobody will know. i am speaking out against frankie for the safety of others.
ok so basically awhile back me and frankie started dating around august, because i was really down about my last relationship they offered to help me recover but we ended up getting together. theyve done multiple things but heres what needs to be highlighted.
1, refused to use my fae/faer neopronouns. me and my friend (we’ve dated in the past i’ll refer to him as A) uses my neos with no problem, but of course he still messes up so i politely correct him. i was teaching frankie how to refer to me because they were new to using them +
and they were constantly saying it was too difficult and they’ll just stick with referring to me as they/them. also making me feel like it was my responsibility for making them feel better when they said “oh A can do it but i cant, im obviously the worst” and so on.
2, manipulated me into thinking that A and other friends were horrible people. pretty much telling me A only wanted to keep me around and i was only an option. multiple times they tried to make me cut off contact with my good friends and succeeded quite a few of those times.
3, we’re in different time zones, they’re 6 hours ahead of me and they pestered me to stay up or reply as quickly as i could to their messages and verses. when i would respond to their texts, they would say stuff like “oh so you’re just ignoring our rp now?” and then the other +
way around. i even distanced myself from family because of them.
4, we broke up because with help i realized that they werent who i thought they were, they still had my name in their carrd, so i went and politely asked them to take it out, they did, so we were done. then, i get a message from a friend that asks if me and frankie are together +
still. i say no and they show me a picture of their carrd that says “[my name] smells” and underneath of it their best friend showing that they’re better than me. so that starts a whole new thing that i will show, complaining about being ‘canceled’ again and whatnot.
below is proof. i’m sorry i don’t have ss’s of us talking , but the carrd deal.
here is proof from the carrd situation. i snapped a bit and may have been a bit aggressive, only because i was incredibly fed up.
again. this was not for the purpose of starting drama and i will not be posting anymore. this was to get off my chest, have some relief and spread awareness to those who are my friends. thank you for understanding and please be careful out there.
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