The most stark divide in the Portland “left” right now is between the antifascists (mostly 2016 and older era folks) and the activists (mostly people radicalized this year).
This isn’t to say that there isn’t significant overlap, but that the tactics and goals of each have significantly diverged to the point where ideological clarifications are necessary.
I saw someone post today being critical of those who are making there way up to Olympia to defend against a direct fascist threat, haranguing them for daring to leave RHED. This is not only short sighted, but ideologically misinformed.
Last week in Olympia comrades were beaten and one person shot, primarily because they did not have enough numbers. Antifascists in the rest of the PNW immediately saw the danger in letting another fascist rally today have unrestrained access to that city, so they will confront.
It has been revealed that this week’s (fash) rally is attempting to be even bigger and more violent. So people will dedicate time and energy to not only defending that city from fash, but showing the kind of solidarity Olympia and Seattle people did this summer for us.
Forging those networks makes us stronger as a whole. It builds alliances and trust as well as the short term goal of kicking fash out.
Which brings me back to RHED and the divide I mentioned before. That defense is important, it is necessary, and it is a struggle against the forces of capital and racist oppression, but it is NOT antifascism.
Foreclosures and evictions are an everyday occurrence of liberal democracy i capitalist societies. It is heinous, but it does not take fascism to throw BIPOC people out of their homes in a pandemic.
This is important because going forward we need to be cognizant of which enemy we are fighting and how best to counter them. Yes there have been chuds throwing things at the RHED, yes the cops will come and be violent, but this is a problem endemic to capital itself.
And so to denigrate people who are already dedicating endless hours to the myriad struggles against capitalism and fascism by calling them traitors for taking one day to defend their friends in Olympia before returning to RHED is despicable to me.
Any liberal could walk into RHED, stand in solidarity and instantly make that space safer. It is something entirely different to go to Olympia and stand toe to toe with armed slavering chuds. Neither one is better, but both are necessary.
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